2nd Face to Face Meeting: Nutrient Cycle Accounting TAG and Water Footprinting


Participants of the LEAP Technical Advisory Group on Water Footprinting and Nutrient Cycle Accounting met in Kigali, Rwanda from 15 to 18 November 2016.

Experts from the Water Footprinting TAG analyzed the differences in existing methodology namely ISO 14046 and the Manual by the Water Footprint Network, the two reference assessment frameworks for water footprinting. Water scarcity and water productivity indicators emerged as priority areas on which the TAG can focus. How to frame accounting rules for water use efficiency was also discussed with the aim of providing guidance to the resource efficiency matrix developed within the context of the Action Network 1 of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock.

The Nutrient TAG participants agreed on how to address different aspects associated with nutrient flows in livestock supply chains including manure allocation, nutrient flows, and impact assessment methods. In addition to the providing guidance on Nutrient Cycle Accounting, the guidelines will also include case studies illustrating specific issues related to the application of the guidelines.