
Livestock has an important influence on biodiversity, ranging from negative to positive impacts. Due to its intrinsic complexity, including biodiversity in quantitative environmental assessments of the livestock sector is a challenge. After having developed, amongst other, several guidelines for...
Participants of the LEAP Technical Advisory Group on Water Footprinting and Nutrient Cycle Accounting met in Kigali, Rwanda from 15 to 18 November 2016. Experts from the Water Footprinting TAG analyzed the differences in existing methodology namely ISO 14046 and the...
The 1st LEAP Partnership Outreach Workshop was held in Kigali-Rwanda on 15 November 2016. The workshop gathered more than 50 participants including LEAP international experts and Rwanda officials from the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) and Rwanda Agriculture...
Las primeras reuniones presenciales de los grupos de asesoría técnica sobre contabilidad del ciclo de los nutrientes y sobre huella hídrica se celebraron en la Sede de la FAO, en Roma, del 12 al 14 de julio de 2016. Expertos de...
Recientemente se ha publicado en el Journal of AppliedEcologyun informe de investigación sobre la inclusión en el marco de las evaluaciones ambientales de los efectos de los sistemas de producción agrícola en la biodiversidad. La comunidad dedicada al...