
Steering Committee

The LEAP Steering Committee is composed by 3 stakeholder groups, Governments, Private Sector, and Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations.  This Committee provides overall leadership, as well as approves the work programme of the Partnership. The Chair is rotated annually across the three groups in order to ensure equal footing in setting the agenda of the Partnership. The Committee meets regularly and decisions are taken by consensus.

The Animal Production and Health Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) hosts the LEAP Secretariat and ensures that the work of the LEAP Partnership is based on international best practices.


LEAP Secretariat is hosted by FAO and is responsible for the technical support and administrative activities of the Partnership.

Technical Advisory Groups (TAG)

TAGs are special groups made up of experts from academia, the private sector, CSO and NGOs. They are formed to develop guidance and methodology based on the latest scientific findings and existing recommendations.