Membres du Comité de pilotage

Full Members


  • Canada: Tim McAllister (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, LEAP chair 2021), Julie Emond (The Permanent Mission of Canada to the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Agencies of the United Nations)
  • France: Anne-Laure Roy (Ministère de l’agriculture), Urwana Querrec (Le Secrétariat général des affaires européennes), Delphine Babin-Pelliard (Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes)
  • Ireland: Edwina Love and Dale Crammond (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine), Gary John Lanigan, Frank O'Mara and Trevor Donnellan (Ireland, Teagasc)
  • Kenya: Bernard Kimoro and Julius Mutua (State Department of Livestock)
  • The Netherlands: Kim van Seeters (Ministry of Agriculture) and Marcel Beukeboom (Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations Organisations for Food and Agriculture)
  • New Zealand: Chris Wilson (Ministry for Primary Industries), Don Syme (New Zealand Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade), Elizabeth Cameron (Ministry for Primary Industries)
  • Switzerland: Alwin Kopse and Melissa Raemy (Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture), Pio Wennubst  (Permanent Representation of Switzerland to FAO, IFAD and WFP)
  • Uruguay: Walter Oyhantcabal (‎Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca de Uruguay), Ruy Fernando Gil (INAC, LEAP chair 2018), Gianni Motta and Christelle Noël (INAC, Uruguay)
  • Brazil: Paulo G. Joppert, Leonardo Werlang Isolan (Permanent Representation of Brazil to FAO), Alexandre Alvim Ribeiro (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Fabiana Villa Alves (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento)
  • Costa Rica: Luis Fernando Ceciliano (Permanent Representation of Costa Rica to FAO), Jorge Esteban Segura Guzmán and Mauricio Chacon Navarro (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería de Costa Rica)

Private sector

  • IFIF - The International Feed Industry Federation: Alexandra de Athayde (IFIF Executive Director) and Philipe Bequet
  • IDF - The International Dairy Federation: Caroline Emond (IDF Director General, LEAP chair 2019) and María Sánchez Mainar
  • IMS - International Meat Secretariat: Hsin Huang (IMS Secretary General), Karsten Maier (UECBV - L'Union Européenne du Commerce du Bétail et des Métiers de la Viande), Alex Gowen and Gaelle Thyriou (Beef + Lamb New Zealand), Emmanuel Coste (Interbev)
  • IEC - International Egg Commission: Julian Madeley (IEC Director General, The World Egg Organisation - Global Initiative for Sustainable Eggs), Kevin Lovell
  • IPC – International Poultry Council: Nicoló Cinotti (IPC Secretary General)
  • WRO – World Renderers Organization: Lucas Cypriano 


  • WAMIP – World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples: Pablo Frere (LEAP chair 2020)
  • World Vision: Angeline Munzara
  • IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature: Pablo Manzano (LEAP chair 2017) and Jean-Pierre Biber
  • WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature: Guillaume Tessier and Eva Alessi
  • IPC – International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty: Antonio Onorati and Mauro Conti
  • BSR: Cliodhnagh Conlon
  • VSF Vétérinaires Sans Frontières: Margherita Gomarasca
  • ICA – International Cooperative Alliance: Danilo Salerno



  • Hungary: Andrea Bartha-Radácsi (Ministry of Agriculture), Csaba Pesti (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics), Zsolt Belánszky-Demkó (Permanent Representative of Hungary to FAO)
  • Italy: Stefania Reitano (Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari, forestali e del turismo), David Meo Zilio (CREA-ZA- Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Livestock Production and Aquaculture), Alessandra Moschitta  (Permanent Representation of Italy to the UN Organizations in Rome), Graziella Romito and Elisabetta Lanzellotto (Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari, forestali e del turismo)
  • Nigeria: Yaya Adisa Olaitan Olaniran (The Embassy of Nigeria)
  • United States of America: Marielsie Avila and Paul Welcher (U.S. Department of Agriculture), Andrew Bisson and Tyrell Kahan (USAID), Sean Cox and Stefano Mifsud (U.S. Embassy in Italy)
  • Australia: Emma Cully, Ian Towers and Sally Standen (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment), Lynda Hayden, Benjamin Ross and Ruth Mallett (Embassy of Australia, Australian Permanent Mission to FAO)
  • Spain: Juan José Ruiz García, Carmen Fernández Moro, and Leonor Algarra Solis (Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación), Cristina Villalobos Tolmos (Representación Permanente de España ante la FAO)
  • China: Wang Jian (Department of Livestock Production, Ministry of Agriculture), Tang Liyue (Permanent Representation of the P.R. China to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture in Rome), Li Qian (Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture)
  • Argentina: Guillermo Rodolico and Maria Del Pilar Angela Teves Libarona (Permanent Representation of Argentina to FAO)
  • Chile: Margarita Vigneaux Roa (Representación Permanente de Chile ante la FAO, Embassy of Chile in Italy
  • South Africa: Keith Ramsay (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), Bennie Lombard (Counsellor: Multilateral, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Rome)
  • India: Madan Mohan Sethi and Sanjeev Kumar (Embassy of India, Rome)
  • European Union: Damien Kelly (Delegation of the European Union to the Holy See, Order of Malta, UN Organisations in Rome and to the Republic of San Marino), Olivier Diana, Nicola di Virgilio and Stephanie Maeder (European Commission, DG Agri), Raluca Nicoleta Ionescu (DG Environment), Valeria Forlin (DG Clima), Hanns-Achim Krebs, Lucia Castillo-Fernandez (European Commission, DG DEVCO), Andreas Gumbert (European Commission, DG Research and Innovation), Simone Fazio (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)
  • Uzbekistan: Nuriddin Kushnazarov (Embassy of Uzbekistan in Rome)

Private sector

  • IWTO – International Wool Textile Organisation: Dalena White and Paul Swan
  • ICT – Internal Council of Tanners: Kerry Senior
  • Health for Animals: Rick Clayton
  • NOVUS: Eduardo Galo
  • DSM: Sabine Van Cauwenberghe
  • WFO – World Farmers’ Organization: Arianna Giuliodori, Luisa Volpe and Giulia De Castro

Functional linkages, advisory and networking

  • UNIDO: Ivan Kral
  • Life Cycle Initiative: Llorenç Milà i Canals (UNEP)
  • Global Research Alliance: Harry Clark and Hayden Montgomery
  • UN Global Partnership on Nutrient Management: Mahesh Pradhan and Milcah Ndegwa (UNEP)
  • One Planet Network (10YFP) - The Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme: James Lomax and Marina Bortoletti (UNEP)
  • Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock: Eduardo Arce Diaz, Sherley Tarawali (GASL chair), Fritz Schneider (GASL past chair)
  • Global Soil Partnership: Ronald Vargas (FAO)
  • Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture: Simon Leiva
  • Pastoralist Knowledge Hub: Gregorio Velasco Gil (FAO)
  • Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef: Ruaraidh Petre
  • Dairy Sustainability Framework: Brian Lindsay, Donald Moore (Global Dairy Federation)
  • Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model – interactive (GLEAM-i): Anne Mottet (FAO)
  • FAO COAG Livestock SubCommittee: Badi Besbes
  • FAO Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment: Julia Wolf and Martial Bernoux
  • FAO Land and Water Division: Paulo Dias
  • INRAe: Jean-Francois Soussana, Jean-Louis Peyraud
  • Wageningen University: Rogier Schulte (LEAP 2015 co-chair on behalf of Ireland)
  • The World Bank: Pierre Gerber, Franck Berthe
  • TU Berlin: Matthias Finkbeiner
  • University of California, Davis:  Frank Mitloehner (LEAP chair 2013)
  • ISO: Peter Saling
  • OIE: Patrik Bastiaensen
  • The Animal Task Force: Florence Macherez
  • Agri benchmark: Claus Deblitz, Ernesto Reyes, Katrin Agethen
  • The Global Feed LCA Institute: Delanie Kellon