
Private Sector
02 Oct 2015
FAO and CEMA join forces - initial focus is on capacity building in Africa
2 October 2015, Rome - FAO and the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association CEMA , an international non-profit organisation, today forged a new partnership that aims to promote wider use of sustainable agricultural mechanization in developing countries. The two organizations will work together to manage and disseminate knowledge on sustainable approaches to agricultural mechanization. They will also jointly develop technical programmes to support innovation in mechanization and facilitate the implementation of...
Private Sector
29 Sep 2015
The collaboration will support implementation of FAO's Strategic Objectives and support capacity development, knowledge management, and private sector dialogue
29 September 2015, New York - UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Boulder Institute of Microfinance pledged to work together towards promoting broad access to financial services for the rural poor and to promote partnerships that increase responsible agricultural investments. The MoU was signed on behalf of FAO by Maria Helena Semedo Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources and Robert Christen, President, Boulder Institute of Microfinance on 29 September at the FAO Liaison Office in New York. The collaboration between the organizations will support implementation of FAO’s Strategic Objectives and support capacity development, knowledge management, and private sector dialogue. Thus...
South-south Cooperation
25 Sep 2015
25 September 2015, Rome - FAO, China and Uganda have signed a two year agreement worth almost $2.5 million to support small-scale farmers in Uganda in boosting their production, including through sustainable technologies. The agreement marks the second phase of a partnership initially established in 2012 to make training and technical advice available to the Ugandan agriculture sector...
Private Sector
24 Sep 2015
HSBC Agriculture branch visits FAO Headquarters to learn from the organization’s experience and know-how
24 September 2015, Rome. HSBC Bank approached FAO to learn from the organization’s experience and know-how on global challenges the food industry is facing. FAO has a long-standing collaboration with major financial institutions such as EBRD, IFAD, Regional Development Banks, and has also some fruitful partnerships running with financial entities such as Rabobank. “FAO considers the Private Sector to be a key ally in the fight against hunger and that the organization is committed to working hand in hand with the private sector”, said Marcela Villarreal, Director of the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development,...
South-south Cooperation
12 Sep 2015
Twenty years of technical knowledge-sharing across continents
12 September 2015, Rome - The United Nations day for South-South Cooperation is observed on September 12. South-South Cooperation is having an increasing impact on the global development context by offering valuable opportunities for countries in the South to pursue sustained economic growth and development within similar contexts and conditions.  South-South Cooperation has been facilitated by FAO since 1996. It has since has gained prominence as an innovative approach that complements traditional models of development assistance. Via FAO’s facilitation, over 1900 experts have been deployed to offer guidance and expertise in more than 60 countries. Again, since 2012 alone about 50 South-South...
Civil Society
06 Sep 2015
Promoting rights of family-farmers, indigenous communities and women key areas for cooperation under new partnership
6 September 2015, Durban, South Africa – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and ActionAid International, a globe-spanning NGO, have agreed to embark on new joint program of work that will focus on empowering rural people. Under the terms of a partnership agreement signed here today, the two organizations will collaborate closely to improve the livelihoods of rural communities and promote the right to...
Private Sector
02 Sep 2015
Effort will leverage global technology to drive development assistance, promote financial inclusion
2 September 2015, Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and MasterCard are joining forces to create an innovative new alliance against hunger. A new partnership agreement, signed today by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and Walt Macnee, Vice Chairman of MasterCard, at FAO headquarters, paves the way for a collaborative effort that will develop inclusive payment systems to support small-scale farmers and poor families. Among other activities, the collaboration will explore ways to provide credit or...
31 Aug 2015
Joint effort to strengthen national policies and capacity building in eight countries – Director-General meets Swedish partners
31 August 2015, Stockholm/Rome – FAO and the Swedish-based development cooperation organization We Effect have agreed to work together to strengthen small-scale forest and farm producers’ organizations in developing countries so they can access land and markets and improve the livelihoods of their members.
South-south Cooperation
24 Aug 2015
24 August 2015, Rome – Agencies of the United Nations and Member States will gather with groups from the private and civil society sectors to discuss South-South policy in Macao, China this week.  The three-day forum, entitled: “Scaling-up global support for South-South and Triangular Cooperation in the context of the post-2015 development agenda,” is being organized by the General Assembly High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation and other strategic partners. Stakeholders are expected to address South-South policy, with special focus on partnership building, innovative financing and how to build on the successes achieved to-date. The world has undergone a major economic and political transformation...
05 Aug 2015
Officers from FAO participated in the activities, yesterday and today, of the Chilean Family Farming Week, organized by the Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario de Chile (INDAP) within the framework of the Expo Milan 2015 global fair.
August 4, 2015, Milan – Officers from FAO participated in the activities, yesterday and today, of the Chilean Family Farming Week, organized by the Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario de Chile (INDAP) within the framework of the Expo Milan 2015 global fair. The activities, that took place during five days, aim to sensitize and revalue the rural world and rural culture...