
Parliamentary alliances
09 May 2016
The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have acknowledged the need to respect, protect and fulfil the fundamental human right to food and optimal nutrition in Africa. During extensive deliberations at the Second Ordinary Session of the Fourth Parliament, the Parliamentarians agreed to establish a Pan-African Parliamentary Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security.  Recognizing their role as custodians of political commitments, the Parliamentarians have agreed to work with FAO to ensure food and nutrition security for all in the Continent. The President of the Pan-African Parliament, Hon. Roger Nkodo Dang in his...
Private Sector
09 May 2016
How do we ensure that agricultural investment contributes to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition rather than jeopardizing it?
9 May 2016, Rome. How do we ensure that agricultural investment contributes to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition rather than jeopardizing it? The members of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) intensely negotiated for two years to address this particular question. Their answer came in October 2014: By adopting the Principles for Responsible Investment for Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI).  The voluntary CFS-RAI is the first international multi-stakeholder agreement that defines responsible investment in agriculture (including forestry and fisheries) and food systems....
Resource Partners
22 Apr 2016
FAO has agreed to support Kuwait formulate a partnership programme for agricultural development aimed at enhancing the country’s aquaculture and water sectors, tackle livestock diseases and boost technical skills.
Resource Partners
08 Apr 2016
Calls for renewed vision and expanded Africa-for-Africa cooperation and South-South Cooperation
8 April 2016, Abidjan - Results achieved through Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) financed projects are adding momentum to the vision of Africa- Africa cooperation to achieve food security across the continent.  The fund, which was set up in 2012, is widely seen as an innovative mechanism for mobilizing resources from one African country for the benefit of another, promoting intra-Africa collaboration, also known as South-South Cooperation.  Since 2013, contributions have reached $40 million, with Equatorial Guinea and Angola being the major financial contributors. To-date, the fund has allocated $ 34.5 million to 15 regional programmes and national projects which are being...
Private Sector
05 Apr 2016
Partnership of FAO with the Italian multinational company takes off
Bolivian quinoa, spices from Cambodia and cocoa from Ecuador are but a few of the products coming sourced from small farmers in the global South that will now be sold in the bistros of the Italian and French roadside eatery chain Autogrill, , thanks to a partnership with FAO.The initiative was announced today by Autogrill Chief Executive Gianmario Tondato Da Ruos during a ceremony held in the presence of Andrea Olivero, the Italian Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. "We are glad that, thanks to the partnership with FAO, we can help small farmers around the...
South-south Cooperation
04 Apr 2016
2016年4月4日,罗马 - 粮农组织、中国和刚果民主共和国签署了一项为期两年,价值近150万美元的协议,旨在帮助这一饱受冲突蹂躏的非洲国家提高粮食和营养安全。 该协议建立了一个新的南南合作伙伴关系,让中国的技术和专业知识惠及该国的农业部门。这项举措将由2009年创建的粮农组织—中国南南合作计划和中国于去年提供的额外资金推动实施。 南南合作项目帮助发展中国家之间分享和传递知识和技术专长,从而使那些经过全球南部国家尝试和检验过的创新方法和良好规范惠及面临类似挑战的其他国家。 利用中国的技术专长重振农业 刚果民主共和国幅员辽阔,拥有丰富的自然资源,经济潜力巨大。但是,局部地区冲突导致数百万人丧生,造成局势不稳,应对营养不良和粮食不安全问题迫在眉睫。新伙伴关系将帮助该国改进自然资源的可持续管理和利用,从而重振农业并改善农村生计。 五位中国专家和八名技术员将被派驻该国首都金沙萨和东南部城市卢本巴希,任期两年。 他们的首要任务包括改进稻米和蔬菜生产,以及引进新技术,如专业化水产养殖和家畜繁育。 他们需要完成的几项艰巨任务包括逐步增加优质种子储备,建设专业技术队伍,改善土地和资金获取途径。中国专家将与当地伙伴合作,了解农业社区所面临的困难并制定解决方案。 增强粮食安全,改善生计 粮农组织与中国在刚果民主共和国共同实施的该项新举措将不仅帮助农民增加产量,提高产品质量,而且还帮助他们从自给自足转向将剩余产品送到市场销售。 目前正在实施的若干粮农组织与中国伙伴关系计划涉及粮食和营养安全、可持续农业和减贫等多个领域。已经落实到位的项目遍及非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲及加勒比和南太平洋区域的至少28个国家。 粮农组织总干事若泽·格拉济阿诺·达席尔瓦认为南南合作是“粮农组织为应对可持续发展目标提出的挑战所作努力的一个核心支柱。”
South-south Cooperation
01 Apr 2016
April 2016 - Watermelon grafting technology was introduced showing high yields in Mashare and Etunda. Agricultural production experts from China assisted local farmers to implement various techniques for substantially improved yields. Farm managers and agricultural extension officers are one of the many Namibians who are getting technical experience and know-how from Chinese experts, following the successful implementation of the 2014 tripartite agreement between Namibia, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN and China, on the South-South Cooperation (SSC) programmes. Small-scale farmers and agricultural enterprises are benefiting directly through hands-on training and on-farm demonstrations.  Namibia was allocated US$1.5 million from China...
Resource Partners
23 Mar 2016
Climate event has affected 60 million people; impacts set to increase at least until end of 2016
23 March 2016, Rome - The United Nations has called for a stronger response by governments, aid organizations and the private sector to address the devastating impact the El Niño climate event is having on the food security, livelihoods, nutrition and health of some 60 million people around the world.  The appeal came at a meeting organized in Rome by four UN agencies, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the World Food Programme (WFP).   
25 Feb 2016
FAO and Ankara University are expanding their collaboration under a new Memorandum of Understanding signed recently by the two institutions. Training and capacity development, raising awareness of global food security issues, and technical support to national and regional projects are the three main areas where the organizations will work together. Knowledge and good practices on food and nutrition security, sustainable management of natural resources and rural development will be shared by the partners. “All of our foreseen activities serve the national priorities set forth in the FAO Country Programming Framework for Turkey, FAO’s strategic objectives, and our regional initiatives,” said Yuriko Shoji,...
South-south Cooperation
12 Feb 2016
12 February, 2016, Brussels - The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), supported by the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), have wrapped up a symposium pledging to build new partnerships to empower women and youth. The two-day event saw governments, civil society, private sector and development partners debate the key issues of jobs and entrepreneurship, with a special focus on how the mechanisms of South-South and Triangular Cooperation can help bring about change in developing countries across the...