
Civil Society
24 Sep 2014
UNEP and FAO to work together under new MoU
New York, 24 September 2014 – In a world where increasing urbanization, rising populations, and expanding agricultural land use are encroaching on ecosystems and impacting on biodiversity, two United Nations agencies have come together to work for a more sustainable future. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that builds on the two agencies’ past collaborations and adds four priority work areas. “Partnerships of this kind are essential if we are to meet the challenges and demands of our changing environment and social landscape,” said Achim Steiner,...
Private Sector
23 Sep 2014
Deadline for submission: 16 October 2014
In collaboration with National Geographic Magazine, FAO has launched an international photo contest that is aiming to draw attention to how and why good nutrition matters – for people and societies. Coming ahead of the FAO-WHO 2nd International Contest on Nutrition (ICN2), to be held in Rome on 19-21 November, the contest is seeking photos which illustrate two key concepts: Nutrition matters in multiple ways, in developing countries, and in the developed world as well. Good nutrition starts with the farming systems that produce our food, and those farming systems must be geared to produce healthy and sustainable products. The...
South-south Cooperation
15 Sep 2014
FAO collaborates with Government of Jamaica on Inter-Ministerial Approach
15 September 2014 - In an effort to strengthen Jamaica’s School Feeding Programme, the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Health, in collaboration with the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), will roll out an integrated school feeding project model that has had several successes in Brazil...
28 Aug 2014
The Khalifa International Date Palm Award continues to encourage entries for the five categories of its seventh edition
Efforts to preserve and update knowledge on date palms have created an unique system that combines production and sustainability, safeguards biodiversity, and helps to improve the livelihoods of those who till the land. Since 1965, FAO is proud to be part of the efforts to promote date palms and recognizes that the United Arab Emirates are at the forefront...
South-south Cooperation
21 Aug 2014
21 August 2014, Sao Tome and Principe - A delegation of experts from the Brazilian Agency for Cooperation (ABC), the National Fund for School Development (FNDE) and FAO met with representatives from the government of Sao Tome and Principe in order to discuss strategies for strengthening the local School Feeding Program...
14 Jul 2014
Observing the International Day of Cooperatives (IDC) 2014, with the theme “Cooperative Enterprises Achieve Sustainable Development for All” at UN Headquarters, New York
New York, 10 July 2014- Observing the International Day of Cooperatives (IDC) 2014, with the theme “Cooperative Enterprises Achieve Sustainable Development for All” at UN Headquarters, New York, representatives from governments, the UN System, the cooperative movement, the private sector and civil society organizations heralded the achievements of the cooperatives and the contribution they have made to the empowerment of people. Coming at a time when the international community is seized with devising a new development agenda – the so called Post 2015 development goals - the message was resoundingly clear –...
10 Jul 2014
Observing the International Day of Cooperatives (IDC) 2014, with the theme “Cooperative Enterprises Achieve Sustainable Development for All” at UN Headquarters, New York, representatives from governments, the UN System, the cooperative movement, the private sector and civil society organizations heralded the achievements of the cooperatives and the contribution they have made to the empowerment of people.
Private Sector
10 Jul 2014
Scheduled for the fall, project aims to fill current information gap
9 July 2014, Rome – The Thomson Reuters Foundation, the corporate charity of the world’s biggest news and information providers, is teaming up with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to improve global information and awareness on hunger and food-related issues including food production, food security, food waste, agriculture, land use, and malnutrition.   An agreement signed today by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and the Thomson Reuters Foundation Editor-in-Chief Belinda Goldsmith outlines a number of joint activities to be undertaken by the Organization and the Foundation’s global team of journalists covering humanitarian issues, women’s rights, human trafficking, the human...
Private Sector
07 Jul 2014
Rabobank Foundation chief: “Inputs, seeds and fertilizers cost money, but you also have to know how to use them and that is what makes this partnership so interesting”
4 July 2014, Rome - FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva, met today with the Rabobank Foundation Managing Director, Pierre van Hedel, to discuss progress made in three joint projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. “FAO’s research and technical expertise and Rabobank’s business orientation combined are bringing great results in the field,” the Rabobank Foundation Managing Director said in remarks after the meeting. “Our mutual competences have been brought together and put into action,” he added. A partnership agreement between FAO and Rabobank Foundation was signed in September 2013 with the aim of sharing knowledge, experience, networks and financial resources in order...
04 Jul 2014
20th UN International Day of Co-operatives
Worldwide, the important contributions of agricultural cooperatives to poverty reduction and the achievement of food security are becoming increasingly recognized. As autonomous businesses that are jointly-owned and democratically controlled by their members, cooperatives are a tested model that can sustainably support small-scale producers to improve their access to markets and increase their incomes.