
Parliamentary alliances
28 Jun 2024
30 June is the International Day of Parliamentarism, and as we celebrate, we reflect on the importance of the partnerships between FAO and parliamentary networks in driving food security and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.
Parliaments play a crucial role in amplifying the perspectives and needs of individuals. Ensuring that the voices of their constituents are heard in policy decision-making, they are the bridge between parliamentary discussions and on-the-ground realities, helping ensure inclusive and participatory governance. Partnerships with parliaments, parliamentarians and parliamentary networks are of vital importance to FAO’s work helping ensure food security and nutrition (FSN) in every part of the world.  Through our joint efforts with parliamentary networks, FAO has helped steer progress on more than 100 laws related to FSN, with a commitment to driving legislative change that contributes to sustainable development and the...
Resource Partners
21 Jun 2024
منظمة الأغذية والزراعة تكشف عن لوحة متابعة المشاريع وبوابة الشفافية الجديدة
روما - توفر لوحة المتابعة الجديدة على الإنترنت التي أصدرتها منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة (المنظمة) طريقة بديهية وسهلة الاستخدام لتصور الروابط بين مشاريع المنظمة والشركاء في الموارد ومجالات العمل المواضيعية، مما يوفر طريقة سهلة للعامة لفهم الكمية الكبيرة من بيانات المشاريع التي تنشرها المنظمة. ويؤكد إطلاق لوحة المتابعة التزام المنظمة بالشفافية، من خلال السماح للمستخدمين باستكشاف مصدر التمويل، وكيفية توزيعه عبر مجالات مختلفة من عمل المنظمة وكيف تساعد هذه المشاريع في تحقيق المجالات ذات الأولوية ضمن الإطار الاستراتيجي للمنظمة وتعزيز التقدم نحو تحقيق أهداف...
Resource Partners
21 Jun 2024
Initiatives will deliver greater resilience in face of climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation
Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) this week helped 28 countries to unlock $70 million in financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to address urban sustainability, groundwater management, biodiversity loss, climate change and land degradation. “These initiatives will help to increase the resilience of those on the front lines of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation,” said FAO...
South-south Cooperation
20 Jun 2024
Brasília, Brazil, June 10, 2024 - Professionals from different ministries and government bodies of Brazil, United Nations (UN) agencies, and representatives from countries in the region will gather virtually on June 20 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Law 11.947/2009 - the School Feeding Law - considered a milestone for strengthening school feeding programmes in Brazil and in Latin America and the Caribbean. The virtual participation of Brazil's First Lady, Janja Lula da Silva, school feeding ambassador, is also planned.
18 Jun 2024
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) in Nepal have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This collaboration aims to leverage the expertise, knowledge, networks, and resources of respective organizations to enhance agricultural productivity, uplift farmers and farming communities, address climate action in agriculture and contribute to agrifood systems transformation and food security and nutrition in Nepal. Through research, knowledge development and exchange, provision of technical expertise, and capacity development of young professionals...
Civil Society
18 Jun 2024
  The FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division presents a brief showcasing FAO's partnership with the Asian Partnership for Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA). AsiaDHRRA has long been a partner of FAO, particularly active in the Asia and Pacific...
South-south Cooperation
12 Jun 2024
12 June 2024 Sanya, China – A workshop on China-Africa Agricultural and Technology Cooperation through the South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) was held in Sanya, Hainan, China, from 12 to 14 June 2024. The workshop, organized by the South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division (PST) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), convened the attendance of about 130 participants, including international organizations, government officials, representatives of research institutes from China and African countries. During the workshop participants were able to identify the priorities to advance agricultural science and technology cooperation...
08 Jun 2024
Galway. Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General, visited the University of Galway (UoG), one of Ireland’s top-rated universities for education and commitment to sustainable development. Founded in 1845, the University holds growing international prestige for the quality of its teaching and the global impact of its research, especially on issues of sustainability. The Ryan Institute Research Centre at the University of Galway, with postgraduate students of Agriculture,...
Parliamentary alliances
06 Jun 2024
Together with legislators, international cooperating partners, and FAO officially presented the Ibero-American and Caribbean Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security for All.
The capital of Spain became the epicenter of the fight against hunger and malnutrition for Ibero-America and the Caribbean. With the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the international cooperation agencies of Spain and Mexico, representatives from more than ten countries met at the headquarters of the Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB) to officially present the Ibero-American and Caribbean Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security for All.   The alliance results from the collaboration between the Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean (FPH-ALC), the Spanish Parliamentary Alliance...
05 Jun 2024
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance joint work. FAO's Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mario Lubetkin, and the Rector of the UPM, Guillermo Cisneros, signed the agreement in a ceremony held at the Rectorate UPM-Campus Ciudad Universitaria.