
Parliamentary alliances
12 Mar 2020
Engaged and determined after the Brazzaville Forum, parliamentarians from the Central African Republic launch the country's own parliamentary alliance for food security and nutrition
Bangui Office of the Central African Republic Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition: normative framework and action plan FAO, in collaboration with other United Nations agencies and the Network of Parliamentary Alliances for Food Security and Nutrition in Central Africa, organized a day of awareness-raising on food security and nutrition issues for parliamentarians in the Central African Republic. During the event, organized in accordance with the Declaration of Brazzaville, a national parliamentary alliance for food security and nutrition was created.  As guarantors of political and economic commitments, parliamentarians have a central role to play in a region where more than 44.6 million...
Resource Partners
12 Mar 2020
مشروع تعزيز القدرة على الصمود بقيمة 119 مليون دولار تم تصميمه بالتعاون مع وزارة الزراعة لمساعدة 240,000 شخص في المجتمعات الريفية
 هافانا/روما- وافق مجلس صندوق المناخ الأخضر اليوم على صرف 119 مليون دولار لمشروع تشارك فيه منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة (الفاو) لتعزيز القدرة على الصمود أمام تغير المناخ في المجتمعات الريفية الضعيفة في كوبا.  
South-south Cooperation
02 Mar 2020
For many people around the world, cotton is a safety net. As a crop resistant to climatic changes, it can be planted in dry and arid zones and represents a real economic lifeline in rural areas where there are high levels of poverty. South-South and Triangular Cooperation is all about: sharing lessons across countries with similar challenges, learning what works for development and empowering each other in the process.
27 Feb 2020
الفاو تكثف التحرك العالمي للسيطرة على انتشار الافة الآكلة للمحاصيل التي تؤثر على ملايين سبل العيش والحد من أضرارها
روما – تتوفر أدوات مكافحة دودة الحشد الخريفية وهي نوع من الآفات الغازية الشرسة التي تلحق أضرارا جسيمة بالمحاصيل في أفريقيا وآسيا والشرق الأدنى، ولذلك فمن الضروري تكثيف التنسيق للحد من انتشارها.  وبهذا الصدد قال شو دونيو المدير...
South-south Cooperation
25 Feb 2020
25 February 2020, Brussels, Belgium - Sharing and disseminating information amongst African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and subsequently between them and other developing countries of the Global South, is of central importance.  In order to share experiences of the progress made by the ACP Group and its partners in addressing the challenges in implementing the Agenda 2030 SDGs, a wide range of stakeholders, have gathered today in Brussels, including representatives of ACP Member States, Secretariat Experts, CPLP/PALOP, EU Parliament, European Commission and Council, Belgian Government, financial institutions, emerging economies’ countries, UN Agencies, private sector, civil society and academia. The one-day Symposium...
Resource Partners
20 Feb 2020
بتمويل من الصندوق الأخضر للمناخ، يفيد المشروع مباشرة 1.3 مليون من سكان الريف
South-south Cooperation
12 Feb 2020
On 12 February 2020, President of the 74rth Session of the General Assembly Tijjani Muhammad-Bande held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York an interactive dialogue focused on exploring ways to combat increasing hunger around the world, specifically by making the most of the opportunities brought about by the South-South and Triangular Cooperation in the agriculture sector.
South-south Cooperation
12 Feb 2020
12 February 2020, New York - The path to reducing unacceptable hunger levels "lies in our ability to transform the agricultural sector", FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said today at a high-level panel here. The Director-General made his remarks at "Targeting Hunger: South-South and Triangular cooperation for Transforming Agriculture", an interactive dialogue held at the United Nations headquarters and  convened by the President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).
11 Feb 2020
Rome - The 6th High-Level Strategic Dialogue between FAO and France was held from the 5 to 6 of February at FAO Headquarters. Maria Helena Semedo, Assistant Director-General for Climate and Natural Resources, welcomed a French delegation led by Philippe Lacoste, Director of Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Semedo heralded this latest “meeting of friends” and praised France for its continued commitment to the Organization, which was underscored once more in 2019 by a promised contribution of EUR 2 million to the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF). The first day of the event was dedicated to...
Resource Partners
11 Feb 2020
سيتم إجراء حوار استراتيجي بين فرنسا ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة في الفترة من 5 إلى 6 فبراير / شباط 2020. وسيُعقد الاجتماع الرفيع المستوى في مقر المنظمة في روما، وسيركز على التعاون بين المنظمة و، من جانب فرنسا: وزارة الشؤون الخارجية ووزارة الزراعة والأغذية (MMA)، وكذلك المعاهد البحثية الفرنسية INTRAE وCIRAD وAREENIUM وIRD. سيتناول يومان الحوار - أحدهما مخصص لمعاهد الأبحاث والثاني للوزارات - التحديات الملحة لمكافحة انعدام الأمن الغذائي، ولا سيما القضايا المتعلقة...