
Private Sector
15 Oct 2014
Graziano da Silva addresses private sector representatives attending the CFS
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, today urged private sector representatives to contribute to the creation of conditions that ensure responsible investments in food production and agriculture. “Investment is a private decision. It’s your decision. You are the only ones responsible for investments, which however need an enabling environment,” the FAO Director-General said speaking to members of the Private Sector Mechanism partnership attending the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in Rome. “Help these principles become part of the environment considered necessary for investment,” Graziano da Silva said, referring to the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI) that were...
15 Oct 2014
Joint EU-FAO programme supports the learning needs of agricultural and food security professionals
15 October 2014, Rome - To strengthen the capacities of member countries in reducing gender inequalities in agriculture and increasing productivity, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, with support from the European Union, has produced a new e-learning course to help policy-makers and agricultural planners develop gender-responsive policies and programmes for food and nutrition security.                       The course, “Gender in Food and Nutrition Security”, is the result of the combined efforts of a multidisciplinary team of international and local practitioners. It is designed to help professionals...
15 Oct 2014
Feeding the global family: Does climate change put us all at risk?
Rome Roundtable on feeding the global family: Does climate change put us all at risk? When: 15 October 2014 - 1500 – 1600 (GMT +2) Where: Sheikh Zayed Centre, FAO Headquarters #hungryplanet   ROUNDTABLE MODERATOR and PANELISTS  Moderator: LAURIE GOERING - Thomson Reuters Foundation Laurie Goering edits AlertNet Climate, the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s news website on the humanitarian and development impacts of climate change. Previously she was a Chicago Tribune correspondent based in New Delhi, Johannesburg, Mexico City, Havana, Rio de Janeiro and London. LESLIE LIPPER - Senior Environmental Economist, Economic and Social Department, FAO Leslie...
Civil Society
13 Oct 2014
13 October 2014, Rome - Civil society representatives met last weekend at the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) to the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to reflect and prepare together their positions on issues to be discussed at the CFS this week. Protracted crisis, food losses and waste and fisheries and aquaculture were some of the main topics discussed during their annual forum. Discussions also touched upon the review of the 10 Years of the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines, the Post-2015 Framework and progress made by the International Year of Family Farming. The purpose of the CSM is to facilitate civil society participation in agriculture, food security and nutrition policy...
Civil Society
11 Oct 2014
11 October 2014, Rome - Civil society plays a crucial role helping building consensus, giving a voice to the hungry, representing the diversity that exists in society and being a part of international decision-making processes, FAO Director-General told civil society representatives today at the Organization’s headquarters, where they began the annual forum of the International Civil Society Mechanism to UN Committee in World Food Security (CFS). Opening debate More than 200 civil society representatives will assess this weekend the last five years of the CFS since its reform in 2009.  Civil society representatives will work to...
Civil Society
10 Oct 2014
More than 200 civil society representatives will meet this weekend to discuss issues concerning food security and nutrition during the 2014 Annual Forum of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) ,  11-12 October at FAO headquarters, as they prepare for the plenary session of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS), starting on Monday, 13 October. This is third consecutive year that FAO is hosting the CSM Annual Forum. Thisyear’s Forum will commemorate Chandrika Sharma, reknown defender of the fisherfolks rights and former participant of the CSM,...
South-south Cooperation
08 Oct 2014
“We want to share our experiences to contribute to global efforts for food security,” minister says
8 October 2014, Rome – Viet Nam stands ready to send experts to other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to assist in food production and other areas of agricultural development, the country's Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, Cao Duc Phat, said today following a meeting with FAO’s Director-General...
08 Oct 2014
Resources will be allocated to ensure social participation in a Global Dialogue and other actions
7 October 2014, Rome - FAO and the Brazilian government signed an agreement today in Rome under which Brazil commits to give $ 150 000 to the Multilateral Trust Fund of the International Year of Family Farming, managed by the Organization. The funds will be used to support the participation of the civil society in the 2014 Global Dialogue on Family Farming, to be held on 25 and 26 October in Rome, and the development of a web-based platform that will include publications, policies and laws related to family farming. The agreement will also benefit the creation of a...
Civil Society
08 Oct 2014
The report highlights the crucial role of civil society in the progress made towards achieving the Right to Adequate Food
8 October 2014, Rome – “Civil society has played a key role in the implementation of the Guidelines and has contribuited to including the Right to Adequate Food in the constitutions of 28 countries,” stated Jomo K. Sundaram, Assistant Director General – Coordinator for Economic and Social Development Department, FAO, during the presentation of the report by The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium this morning at FAO Headquarters. The 2014 Watch analyzes the “gains, concerns and struggles,” in the past ten years since the Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Adequate Food were approved by the FAO...
02 Oct 2014
On 50th anniversary, partners celebrate innovation in nuclear application for food and agriculture
Rome - As soil degradation, pests and livestock diseases continue to pose major threats to food security and food safety worldwide, there’s an increasing role for peaceful applications of nuclear technologies in food and agricultural development.  This was the message conveyed by partners at an event highlighting successes of 50 years of the Joint Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, a strategic partnership between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and FAO created in 1964. “The world may have changed since then, but the need, through technology, to provide more, better and safer food while sustaining...