
13 Sep 2019
Mozambique – FAO is supporting Zimbabwe, a land-locked country, in becoming a South South Cooperation (SSC) provider of expertise to its neighboring countries in Southern Africa on the control of a high-impact Transboundary Animal Disease (TADs), the tsetse-transmitted African Animal Trypanosomosis, AAT. This disease is a major constraint for poor livestock keepers, but it also affects human beings as the so called ‘sleeping sickness’. During the first week of September, the first SSC technical exchange activities took place in Maputo, Mozambique. An expert from Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement, Division of Tsese Control Services, visited Mozambique’s...
06 Sep 2019
FAO, IFAD and WFP highlight the commitment of leaving no one behind in achieving SDG2
Rome - The UN Rome-based Agencies (RBAs), namely, FAO, IFAD and WFP, observed the UN Day for South-South Cooperation with an event hosted at WFP which highlighted the importance of “leaving no one behind” in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event built on the recognition of the rising importance of South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC), and the call for more investments in this area which found global endorsement earlier this year at the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40), held in March in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At this conference, SSTC was recognized as a critical driver...
30 Aug 2019
Goiás, Brasil, 30 de agosto de 2019 – La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO), en conjunto con la Organización Internacional del Trabajo y la Agencia Brasileña de Cooperación (ABC) promovieron una visita técnica a la Empresa Brasileña de Investigación (Embrapa) en la ciudad de Goiania (Embrapa Arroz e Feijão) de representantes de Colombia e países de África que participan de proyectos de Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral con el Gobierno brasileño, FAO y OIT.
27 Aug 2019
Slow Food and FAO team up to revive Syria’s agriculture
Rome/Damascus - Slow Food and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are organizing a study tour this week in northwest Italy for a group of Syrian small-scale women farmers. The two organizations have teamed up to enhance the skills of small-scale women food producers from Syria - all with the aim...
06 Aug 2019
6 August 2019 ROME, ITALY – The directors responsible for South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) at the three United Nations Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs) met at FAO headquarters to discuss collaborative strategies to leverage SSTC for sustainable development. The directors, Shengyao Tang (FAO), Ron Hartman (IFAD), Wei Wang (IFAD), and David Kaatrud (WFP), as well as Assistant Director-General Roberto Ridolfi (FAO), each expressed their...
06 Aug 2019
6 August 2019 ROME, ITALY – On the first day of his mandate, Director-General QU conducted a greeting tour of FAO headquarters, which included a visit to the Office of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (OSS). After extending a warm welcome, OSS Director Tang provided DG QU with a brief introduction of the work of OSS since its establishment as a dedicated office in January 2019, highlighting the Tenth Anniversary Event for the FAO-China SSC Programme, which will be held between 25 and 27 November 2019 in Kampala, Uganda.
19 Jul 2019
Members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), and the Rwandan Parliament met in Kigali, Rwanda from 16 -19 July 2019, for a weeklong learning exchange which focused on mainstreaming gender into agriculture and strategies to improve food security. The week featured a two-day capacity building workshop, designed to support parliamentarians in developing effective gender-responsive policies and legislation, and also included a high-level policy dialogue and field visits to Rwandan cooperatives devoted to soya bean and coffee production. Representatives of civil society organization representatives, intergovernmental organizations, think tanks, and the media also...
15 Jul 2019
Experts from Thailand provide technical support to animal feed laboratory technicians
Kabul, Afghanistan - In Afghanistan, livestock plays a key role in shaping both incomes and diets of local households. Around 75% of Afghan families depend on agriculture and livestock. This strong dependence makes access to quality feed fundamental to achieve a satisfying level of animal productivity, health, and welfare.  In the past, the lack of proper animal feed testing facility in Afghanistan required FAO to ship animal feed samples to other countries for analysis. These activities resulted in higher expenses and delayed processing times of up to a month, which affected the smooth implementation of the projects. Further challenges were caused...
10 Jul 2019
Brasilia - Entre los días 10 y 11 de julio en las instalaciones de ABRAPA se realizó el Seminario Regional sobre el Control del Picudo y que tuvo como objetivo concretar el traspaso de información y experiencias que ayuden a contribuir a la sostenibilidad algodonera de los países de la región.