
19 Jul 2019
Members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), and the Rwandan Parliament met in Kigali, Rwanda from 16 -19 July 2019, for a weeklong learning exchange which focused on mainstreaming gender into agriculture and strategies to improve food security. The week featured a two-day capacity building workshop, designed to support parliamentarians in developing effective gender-responsive policies and legislation, and also included a high-level policy dialogue and field visits to Rwandan cooperatives devoted to soya bean and coffee production. Representatives of civil society organization representatives, intergovernmental organizations, think tanks, and the media also...
15 Jul 2019
Experts from Thailand provide technical support to animal feed laboratory technicians
Kabul, Afghanistan - In Afghanistan, livestock plays a key role in shaping both incomes and diets of local households. Around 75% of Afghan families depend on agriculture and livestock. This strong dependence makes access to quality feed fundamental to achieve a satisfying level of animal productivity, health, and welfare.  In the past, the lack of proper animal feed testing facility in Afghanistan required FAO to ship animal feed samples to other countries for analysis. These activities resulted in higher expenses and delayed processing times of up to a month, which affected the smooth implementation of the projects. Further challenges were caused...
10 Jul 2019
Brasilia - Entre los días 10 y 11 de julio en las instalaciones de ABRAPA se realizó el Seminario Regional sobre el Control del Picudo y que tuvo como objetivo concretar el traspaso de información y experiencias que ayuden a contribuir a la sostenibilidad algodonera de los países de la región.
03 Jul 2019
Good decisions are based on accurate information, and the availability and use of high-quality data are vital for evidence-based decision-making and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With just over ten years left until 2030, it is imperative to accelerate transformative actions that will help countries reach the agreed goals. Decision makers need better data to shape effective policies, encourage investment, target programmes, and measure progress towards sustainable development. Statistics are at the core of FAO’s work. They inform authoritative publications across all areas relating to food, agriculture and sustainable natural resources management, including the “State...