
20 Mar 2017
FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Malian rice stakeholders meet to discuss the advancement of more efficient, sustainable and productive rice systems
20 March 2017, Mali - Making rice systems more effective, sustainable and productive, in order to increase food security for Malian smallholders, is the theme of the launching workshop of project GCP/RAF/482/VEN, "Partnership for Systems Development Sustainable Rice in Sub-Saharan Africa", held in Bamako on March 16, 2017, within the Department of Finance and Equipment (DFM) of the Ministry of Agriculture. Funded by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the project will support the main producers in the region, including Benin,...
20 Mar 2017
The Njala University in Sierra Leone had talks with Bukar Tijani, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa
The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, especially in the areas of food security and poverty reduction, requires strong and enhanced partnerships with different sections of the society. The role of higher learning institutions are very key in achieving these ambitious goals as the majority of poor people in developing countries, including Sierra Leone, live in rural areas and education is a key factor in helping to reduce the level of poverty.
10 Mar 2017
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva completed on Thursday 9 March a two-day visit to Egypt aiming at boosting collaboration between the Organization and the most populous Arab Country.  His visit included meetings with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation H.E. Abdel Moneim Al-Banna, the Minister for Investment and International Cooperation H.E. Sahar Nasr, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Sameh Shoukry, as well as the Secretary General of the League of Arab States H.E. Ahmad Abou El-Gheit.
06 Mar 2017
Children from five communities in Pech, Honudras, will have access to adequate food to meet their nutritional requirements
06/03/2017 Catacamas, Olancho (Honduras) - La población infantil de cinco comunidades PECH, del departamento de Olancho, tendrá acceso a una alimentación oportuna y adecuada para satisfacer sus requerimientos nutricionales, informó la Representante de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (FAO) en Honduras, María Julia Cárdenas Barrios. La FAO en coordinación con el Gobierno de Honduras, ejecuta acciones para implementar el modelo de escuelas sostenibles a través del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento del Programa de Alimentación Escolar en el marco de la Iniciativa América Latina Sin Hambre 2025, que cuenta con el apoyo financiero del Gobierno de la República Federativa del Brasil. Cárdenas Barrios, explicó...
06 Mar 2017
Siglato accordo di cooperazione per promuovere il consumo e la produzione di legumi e combattere la povertà rural
La FAO e Fertitecnica Colfiorito, azienda umbra leader nel mercato italiano delle leguminose, hanno siglato oggi un accordo che porterà sugli scaffali dei supermercati italiani ed europei  fagioli, ceci e lenticchie di qualità provenienti da cooperative agricole dei paesi in via di sviluppo. Tale iniziativa offrirà un importante sostegno all'economia dei piccoli agricoltori del Sud...