
03 Nov 2016
The Memorandum of Understanding signed today is based on the exchange of experience, knowledge and expertise
Today, FAO and Sapienza entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to underline their long-standing collaboration on the themes of Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, among others.  The MoU, signed by the Rector of Sapienza, Prof Eugenio Gaudio and by the FAO Deputy Director General for Operations, Mr. Daniel Gustafson, is defined by a solid plan of work based on sharing and exchanging knowledge and expertise, promoting innovative research techniques and developing capacities.  The collaboration focuses on four particular areas of work: strengthening statistic and data analysis,strengthening food safety and quality within a ‘’Food Systems” approach, increasing the role and contribution of...
01 Nov 2016
Cooperation among the southern countries innovatively brings practical and cost-effective development solutions for food security
Dubai, Tuesday 1 November 2016. South-South Cooperation among the Global South is a fundamental tool achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030, conveyed FAO today at a joint event with Rome-based Agencies at the United Nations Global South-South Development Expo in Dubai this week. Rome-based Agencies expressed their firm commitment to facilitating South-South Cooperation (SSC) and Triangular Cooperation (TrC), offering their services in brokering “match-making” between countries for agricultural development, stressing that SSC is a complementary tool to North-South Cooperation. “We all need to work together in the context of the big agenda set out by the SDGs,” said...
28 Oct 2016
Donation of $150,000 aims to support countries of the global South
The Republic of the Sudan has donated $150,000 to support the work of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), a unique international coordinating body for policy issues related to food and nutrition, hosted by FAO. The funds will help CFS strengthen the governance of food security and nutrition in countries of the global South. Following a call for assistance from FAO, a donation agreement was signed between Sudan and the UN Agency, which will administer the contributions through its multi-donor trust fund. The project will be completed by the end of 2017. "CFS needs long term investment by all...
25 Oct 2016
The Sustainable Development Goals offer a vision of a fairer, more prosperous, peaceful and sustainable world in which no one is left behind.  FAO contributes to revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development through partnerships that invest in critical agents of change – smallholders, family farmers, rural women, fisher folk, indigenous communities, youth and other vulnerable or marginalized people.       “The  SDGs are truly transformative. They are interlinked, calling for new combinations in the way policies, programmes, partnerships and investments...
19 Oct 2016
19 October 2016, Rome - FAO and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) have joined forces to increase job and business opportunities for young people in rural areas of Benin, Cameroon, Malawi and Niger through a $4 million grant made available by the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund. The agreement signed today by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency (NPCA) Chief Executive Officer,...