
10 Oct 2016
Support for political alliances key to fight malnutrition globally
Building strong alliances among legislators across the world is vital to making headway on hunger eradication, FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva said on Monday, as he underscored the agency's continued support to fostering global exchanges between lawmakers. In her keynote address at today's event, Amal Abdulla Al Qubaisi, President and Speaker of the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates said: "As parliamentarians we shoulder a particular responsibility - a responsibility to join hands with governments and nations to...
06 Oct 2016
FAO and the French Facility for Global Environment aim to protect wetland resources by making water birds hunting more sustainable
FAO and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) will work together in a new partnership to improve the state of natural resources in the wetlands of Africa's Sahel region, in particular the sustainable management of migratory water birds which are crucial for food security for the local populations. The agreement signed today between FAO and FFEM, which co-funds one third of the 5 million euros project, is specifically targeting the four main wetland areas in the Sahel region which are distributed between Chad, Egypt, Mali, Senegal and Sudan. The "Strengthening expertise in Sub -Saharan Africa on birds and their rational use...
27 Sep 2016
  Ambas instituciones han firmado un acuerdo de colaboración para crear una alianza que favorezca la inversión en países en desarrollo FAO y COFIDES colaborarán mutuamente en la indentificación de oportunidades de inversión en el sector de los agronegocios y en el ámbito de la formación especializada  La FAO y la Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo (COFIDES) han firmado un acuerdo de colaboración para apoyar a pequeñas y medianas empresas que operan en el sector agroalimentario. La directora de la División de Asociaciones, Promoción Institucional y Desarrollo de las Capacidades de la FAO, Marcela Villareal, y el presidente de COFIDES, Salvador Marín, han...
26 Sep 2016
La Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), llamó hoy la atención sobre la relación entre las pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos con los efectos del cambio climático. "Más del 8% de las emisiones de  gases de efecto invernadero de la agricultura, silvicultura y otros usos de la tierra se vinculan directamente a las perdidas y desperdicios de alimentos a nivel mundial por el uso, entre otros, de energía, agua y suelo. Necesitamos soluciones innovadoras e inversiones responsables para reducir los desperdicios y su impacto sobre el cambio climático”, afirmó Marcela Villarreal, directora de la División de Asociaciones,...
20 Sep 2016
The first ever visit of FAO Director-General to IFPRI’s headquarters in Washington last week celebrated four decades of rich partnership that has generated cutting-edge technical knowledge and enhanced expertise for supporting food security and improved nutrition. In warmly welcoming FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva, IFPRI’s Director General Shenggen Fan noted that the IFPRI-FAO partnership is built on a shared commitment to make agriculture and food systems more inclusive, productive, resilient, and sustainable. Together, FAO and IFPRI have helped enhance the capacity of policy makers to make evidence-based policy decisions, create information resources and networks for food security, strengthen the focus...