
30 Oct 2014
The biggest small-scale producer platform and FAO take another step forward in their partnership
30 October 2014, Rome – The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) and FAO took another step forward in their longstanding and collaborative relationship. Representatives of the biggest small-scale producers’ platform in the world and FAO held today a technical meeting in the framework of their renewed partnership to discuss how to open up spaces for inclusive participation and dialogue in key thematic areas such as Land, Fisheries, Agroecology, Livestock, Pastoralism and Indigenous Peoples. “IPC brings key capacities and experience in regional and global policy dialogue and normative activities, which can contribute greatly to FAO’s work,” said...
29 Oct 2014
29 October 2014, Rome – FAO and La Via Campesina (LVC), one of the largest social movements in the world, met today at FAO Headquarters in Rome to identify new concrete areas for joint collaboration to strengthen their partnership, formalized through an exchange of letters signed in October 2013. “This meeting is the result of the hard work displayed by FAO and La Via Campesina in coming together to bring strengths and capacities to the table, in order to further the collaborative work in the fight against hunger,” said Rolf Hackbart,...
15 Oct 2014
"Silent crisis of hunger and poverty a major challenge and common responsibility" - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
15 October 2015, Rome - China has announced a $50 million donation to FAO to support the Organization's program of "South-South Cooperation" to improve food security and promote sustainable agricultural development over the next five years...
15 Oct 2014
Graziano da Silva addresses private sector representatives attending the CFS
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, today urged private sector representatives to contribute to the creation of conditions that ensure responsible investments in food production and agriculture. “Investment is a private decision. It’s your decision. You are the only ones responsible for investments, which however need an enabling environment,” the FAO Director-General said speaking to members of the Private Sector Mechanism partnership attending the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in Rome. “Help these principles become part of the environment considered necessary for investment,” Graziano da Silva said, referring to the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI) that were...
15 Oct 2014
Joint EU-FAO programme supports the learning needs of agricultural and food security professionals
15 October 2014, Rome - To strengthen the capacities of member countries in reducing gender inequalities in agriculture and increasing productivity, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, with support from the European Union, has produced a new e-learning course to help policy-makers and agricultural planners develop gender-responsive policies and programmes for food and nutrition security.                       The course, “Gender in Food and Nutrition Security”, is the result of the combined efforts of a multidisciplinary team of international and local practitioners. It is designed to help professionals...