
19 Feb 2014
Rural advisory services are key to achieve reduction of rural poverty
FAO and the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) will step up its ongoing cooperation on areas such as capacity development, gender and nutrition. The Chief of the Research and Extension Unit in FAO, Mr. Andrea Sonnino, and the Deputy Director of Agridea, Ms Sylvie Aubert, as well as the Deputy Head of Department Rural Development, Markets and International of Agridea, Mr. Ernst Bollinger and the Chair of GFRAS, Mr. Francesco Aguirre, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the 19th of February 2014 which will allow the two organizations to formalize a long standing collaboration.  “FAO has been...
Private Sector
19 Feb 2014
El apoyo a los pequeños agricultores centra el diálogo con el presidente de la multinacional
El director general de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, y el presidente ejecutivo de Unilever, Paul Polman, han dialogado sobre la importancia de apoyar a los pequeños agricultores en su encuentro de hoy en la sede central de la FAO. “Esta reunión ha sido una oportunidad para analizar problemas mundiales que necesitamos resolver, entre los que la seguridad alimentaria es una de las prioridades en nuestra agenda,” afirmó el presidente de Unilever. “Es inaceptable que a día de hoy casi 1.000 millones de personas se vayan con hambre a la cama. Este hecho convierte a la FAO en un socio...
Civil Society
03 Feb 2014
Las instituciones francesas de investigación y la FAO comparten una visión común.
Roma, 3 de febrero de 2014 – La FAO y las instituciones francesas de investigación dan un paso adelante en su cooperación en áreas clave de investigación y coordinarán sus actividades dentro del marco de la estrategia renovada de la FAO. Hoy se han firmado dos acuerdos que cubren un amplio espectro de actividades conjuntas, que incluyen la agroecología, biodiversidad, salud animal, pérdida de alimentos, reformas agrarias y recursos genéticos que contribuirán a los objetivos estratégicos de la FAO. El director general de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, la presidenta de Agreenium, Marion Guillou, y el presidente del Centro Internacional...
Civil Society
03 Feb 2014
Comunicación y medios comunitarios en agricultura familiar y seguridad alimentaria
En el contexto del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar 2014 (AIAF), la Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC) ha unido sus fuerzas con la FAO para lanzar una campaña de sensibilización dirigida a las asociaciones de campesinos y la población rural. El principal objetivo es utilizar la radio comunitaria como plataforma para compartir información con la comunidad agrícola e involucrarla más a fondo en el debate sobre el papel clave que desempeña la agricultura familiar en el desarrollo económico y social. La campaña comienza hoy mismo y está previsto que continúe durante todo 2014. Consistirá en una...
South-south Cooperation
24 Jan 2014
$2.2 million project to strengthen agriculture and veterinary research
24 January 2014, Rome - Angola, Brazil and FAO are to work closely together to strengthen food security in the Southern African country by boosting its agricultural and veterinary research...
21 Jan 2014
Promoting a joint effort to fight against hunger and under-nutrition
One of Japan’s top-ranked and most popular private universities is teaming up with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to improve the regional knowledge base and promote a joint effort to fight against hunger and under-nutrition, the FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific announced today. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by FAO’s Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific and Ken-ichi Fukumiya, President of Meiji University. “This is a strong and meaningful partnership with one of Japan’s most respected and most popular universities,” said Konuma. “The signing of this MoU further strengthens...
10 Jan 2014
Agreement covers joint activities including aquatic animal disease diagnostics and management to expand the work of FAO’s Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES)
FAO and Mississippi State University (MSU) will step up cooperation on FAO’s new Global Aquaculture Advancement Partnership (GAAP) programme and FAO’s Emergency Preparedness and Response (EMPRES) programme to improve the capacity of developing countries in fish health and aquaculture.  FAO Deputy Director-General Daniel Gustafson and the President of the Mississippi State University (MSU), Mark Keenum, signed a joint declaration in the presence of FAO’s Director of the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC), Marcela Villarreal. This joint declaration strenghthens the existing Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two organizations in 2010 and paves the way for cooperation in specific...
Civil Society
11 Dec 2013
FAO supports call of Caritas International to realize the right to food for everybody and to cut food waste
The  global campaign against hunger launched by the Caritas confederation is an important contribution to raise awareness of the plight of millions of hungry people around the globe and to work towards the elimination of hunger, said Marcela Villarreal, Director of FAO's Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development. The campaign ‘One Human Family, Food for All’ was launched in Rome with a video message of Pope Francis. In his message, the Pope said that “We are facing a global scandal of around one billion people who still suffer from hunger today. We cannot look the other way. The food that...
Private Sector
10 Dec 2013
FAO estimates that 30-40% of total food production is lost before it reaches the market.
Each year, the world loses or squanders a third of the food it produces. This means that somewhere between planting seeds in fields and providing nourishment to the world’s 7 billion people, approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of food with a value of more than US$1 trillion is lost or wasted. These numbers are simply untenable in a world where, according to FAO, some 870 million people do not have enough to eat. In fact, according to the FAO-commissioned study that tallied these numbers, if just onefourth of lost or wasted food were saved, it could end global hunger. When...
Private Sector
06 Dec 2013
Approval of the Guidelines is recognized as an enormous step forward in setting fair standards for tenure in all countries.
In the first decade of this century, the developing world dealt with an unprecedented level of large-scale land acquisition by international speculators and global agribusinesses, mainly in Africa. Other, related issues included corruption in natural resource administration, conflicting claims over natural resources, and lack of recognition of customary tenure systems. This focused global attention on the need for more responsible governance of tenure. It was against this backdrop that more than a thousand experts from governments, academia, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector, representing 133 countries, participated in a series of consultations, workshops, drafting committees and intergovernmental...