
South-south Cooperation
25 Jun 2014
Engypt and FAO Ramp Up Support to South-South Cooperation
25 June 2014, Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) - The Egyptian Government has renewed its commitment to support African countries’ efforts to achieve food security and improve agricultural and rural development at the 23rd session of the African Union Summit. The government signed a memorandum of understanding with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to seal the...
South-south Cooperation
23 Jun 2014
23 June 2014, Rome - A recent side event during the Council last week promoted South-South Cooperation (SSC) as a cost-effective means to addressing food insecurity, showcased FAO’s role as a facilitator and voiced the need for broadened partnerships. SSC is the mutual sharing and exchange of key development solutions – knowledge, technology, policies, and resources, between and among countries of the South. Global demand for...
Civil Society
20 Jun 2014
Los actores no gubernamentales se dan cita en FAO para debatir sobre nutrición con representantes de los gobiernos
20 de junio de 2014, Roma - Representantes de la sociedad civil, el sector privado y el sector académico se han reunido hoy en la sede de la FAO en Roma con los representantes de los gobiernos de los países miembros de la FAO para debatir sobre la Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN2) que la FAO y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) organizan de forma conjunta del 19 al 21 de noviembre. La reunión es una iniciativa de la FAO, a petición de los estados miembros, para implicar a los actores no gubernamentales en el proceso de la CIN2. “La...
Private Sector
18 Jun 2014
Intensified cooperation to strengthen water and food security
8 June 2014, Marseille/Rome - The World Water Council (WWC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have agreed to intensify their collaboration in a bid to strengthen global water and food security.Long-time partners, the two organizations will expand their joint work on a number of fronts, including: knowledge and technology development to enhance water productivity; the education of water management professionals and building human capital development in the water sector; and promoting sound water policymaking and better cooperation within the water and irrigated agriculture sectors.FAO and WWC share the view that water...
South-south Cooperation
16 Jun 2014
16 June 2014, Windhoek - A new agreement to boost agricultural production as well as tackle food and nutrition insecurity in Namibia, has been launched today. The USD$ 1.5 million agreement signed by the Governments of Namibia and China in together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will run for two years...