
South-south Cooperation
09 Feb 2023
09/02/2023 Luang Namtha Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), kicked off a two-week training course on animal quarantine management in Sing District, a border area between Lao People’s Democratic Republic and China. The training course aimed to accelerate safer cattle trade between the two countries and improve cattle export to China.
Civil Society
31 Jan 2023
Letter of Intent focuses on potential for joint work on environmental rehabilitation and disaster risk reduction at country level
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and CESVI have signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) expressing their interest in working together to strengthen country level emergency response capacities, with a focus on environmental rehabilitation and disaster risk reduction, as well as support for livestock owners and fishing communities. CESVI has a history as a strategic implementing partner for FAO country level projects. In 2022, CESVI became a global partner of the FAO-World Food Programme (WFP) led Food Security Cluster,...
Civil Society
27 Jan 2023
The new agreement continues support for farmers, recognizing their key role in achieving sustainable agrifood systems and the 2030 Agenda
Rome – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) have renewed their partnership through a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), reaffirming their shared belief that farmers, especially family and small-scale farmers, play a crucial role in achieving agrifood systems transformation and the goals of the 2030 Agenda. FAO and WFO have a long-standing collaboration, dating back to the International Year of Family Farming in 2014, followed by the signing of their first MoU in 2018. Joint work has focused on improving the livelihoods of family farmers; increasing farmers’ technical...
South-south Cooperation
24 Jan 2023
Un nouveau mémorandum d’entente vise à identifier les opportunités à travers lesquelles l'expérience et l'expertise de l'Égypte pourraient contribuer le mieux à la lutte contre la faim en Afrique
24 janvier 2023, Le Caire – L'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) et l'Agence égyptienne de partenariat pour le développement (AEPD) se sont rencontrées pour discuter d'un nouveau mémorandum d'entente visant à consolider leurs efforts dans la promotion de la Coopération Sud-Sud et triangulaire (CSST) afin de dynamiser la transformation des systèmes agroalimentaires, améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et soutenir les efforts mondiaux en appui à l'Agenda 2030.
South-south Cooperation
20 Jan 2023
20/01/2023 The Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Government of the Republic of Uganda and the Government of the People’s Republic of China have launched the third phase of the FAO-China-Uganda South-South Cooperation (SSC) project. It will benefit from funding worth USD 12.6 million aimed to support the development of the agriculture sector in Uganda. Almost USD 10 million were committed by Uganda and USD 3 million by China, which are held in Trust Funds in FAO. Uganda’s contribution is one of the most significant contributions by a Least Developed Country as a beneficiary nation, for a SSC...
South-south Cooperation
19 Jan 2023
The ‘Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management’ Initiative has been collaborating with InsightShare over the course of 2022 to train and mentor carefully selected participants on participatory video (PV), how it is used, and what sets it apart from traditional Monitoring and Evaluation reporting.  Beginning in February 2022, InsightShare and MEV-CAM hosted four training modules covering the different ways PV can be used to capture knowledge from the ground and give ownership to community members.  The latest, Modules C and D, recently came to an end uncovering a myriad of new findings.
Parliamentary alliances
16 Jan 2023
The Pan-African Parliament has already adopted an inaugural Model Law on Food and Nutrition Security with FAO’s technical assistance
Rome – A delegation from the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) visited FAO Headquarters on the 13 and 14 December 2022 to discuss FAO support for a series of new model laws under consideration by the African nations.  The meetings in Rome follow the PAP’s...
South-south Cooperation
16 Jan 2023
FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme supports climate-resilient agriculture in the heart of a landlocked country
Located in Central Asia, Mongolia is the most sparsely populated fully sovereign country in the world. Landlocked and far from the sea, the vast grazing lands and grassy steppe of Mongolia have for centuries been a heartland of nomadic animal husbandry. About 73 percent of agricultural land is pastureland used for raising livestock. But harsh weather and short growing seasons skew diets in the region and can lead to malnutrition. In remote areas of Mongolia, daily consumption of fresh vegetables is limited, which leads to a greater risk of diseases caused by mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Greenhouse farming and importation are,...
16 Jan 2023
"Universities in Africa have a crucial role to play in strengthening the capacities of African countries, enabling them to achieve their national development goals and ultimately contribute to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and agrifood systems transformations", said Justin Chisenga, FAO Capacity Development Office and Team Leader - Partnerships with Academia and Research Institutions at the 20th Principals and Deans Business Meeting, held on 15 December 2022, a side event at the 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) on the theme "Strengthening...
13 Jan 2023
Rome, Italy. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law have renewed their partnership through the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding with an aim of strengthening policies and legal frameworks to ensure food is safe and healthy for all. The new agreement builds upon the FAO-UCLA partnership established in 2019 and recommits to actions for achieving Better Nutrition to "end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition in all its forms, including promoting nutritious food and increasing access to healthy diets"...