
South-south Cooperation
12 Aug 2021
Brasilia, 12 de agosto de 2021 - El curso Alimentación Escolar como Estrategia Educativa para una Vida Saludable fue concluido el miércoles, 11 de agosto, en una webinar en vivo, que contó con más de 1800 visualizaciones por las redes sociales. La sesión de cierre tuvo como tema principal la transformación de los sistemas alimentarios por medio de programas de alimentación escolar sostenibles. 
South-south Cooperation
10 Aug 2021
10 August 2021, Rome – The Director of FAO’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division, Mr. Ye Anping, today met virtually with the Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of the Gambia, Ms. Amie Fabureh. The meeting was a follow-up to a previous bi-lateral encounter between the Minister and the FAO Director-General, Dr. QU Dongyu, held during the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit, where both shared views on the agriculture sector of the Gambia and discussed ways in which FAO could support the country to become more self-sufficient in terms of production. At the meeting, the Minister reiterated that the top priorities...
Civil Society
03 Aug 2021
FAO has renewed its partnership agreement with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) - Organics International, extending the collaboration until 2024. The partnership, originally formalized in 2018, has provided a framework for working together to develop, promote and strengthen work to improve the livelihoods of populations living in rural areas, in particularly communities and households of smallholder farmers, forest dwellers and fishers and fish workers. Together, FAO and IFOAM have been working to ensure more inclusive food and agriculture systems at local, national and international levels through common actions to improve market access and value chains for small-scale...
Resource Partners
29 Jul 2021
’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) et le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) des Nations Unies ont accueilli favorablement la décision de la Banque mondiale d’octroyer un montant de 127 millions de dollars américains  pour financer un projet interinstitutionnel visant à lutter contre la propagation de la faim extrême au Yémen. Le projet permettra aux familles rurales de renforcer durablement leur sécurité alimentaire.
Parliamentary alliances
29 Jul 2021
Aujourd’hui le Sénat et l’Assemblée Nationale du Congo ont réuni leurs représentantes pour la cérémonie de signature du projet de coopération technique entre l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) et l’Alliance Parlementaire Congolaise pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (APCSAN). A cette occasion, ils ont entamé un projet de formation et de promotion des investissements agricoles responsables dans le pays. Le lancement du projet fait suite à réunion du 15 juillet, dans laquelle la Représentante de la FAO au Congo, Yannick Ariane Rasoarimanana, et le Président de l’Assemblée Nationale, Monsieur Isidore Mvouba, avaient discuté des...
26 Jul 2021
The Sustainable Development Goal 17 calls for revitalized global partnerships for sustainable development and among others, seeks to achieve enhanced North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhanced knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms. In this regard, FAO works closely with partners across the spectrum to contribute to capacity development towards achievement of the SDGs and is pleased to highlight, through a series of case studies, results achieved through strategic collaborations with academia and research institutions -
South-south Cooperation
22 Jul 2021
Brazil Africa Institute (IBRAF) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have signed, Thursday 22nd, a Letter of Agreement (LoA) to jointly design a South-South Cooperation (SSC) training through IBRAF’s Online Professional Learning (OPL) platform that will support 400 African trainees to gain expertise and skills on Fall Armyworm sustainable control.
Resource Partners
21 Jul 2021
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, joined by the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Luigi di Maio, and the Italian Minister for Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, inaugurated today the revamped main entrance of FAO Headquarters in Rome, which has been refurbished and modernized along with some other areas of the building, as part of the periodic, regular maintenance of the historic compound.
Resource Partners
20 Jul 2021
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Republic of Korea, through its Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), today signed a new Framework Arrangement which establishes overarching terms and conditions that will govern the cooperation through voluntary contributions and facilitate future negotiations between MFDS and FAO.
19 Jul 2021
A new Memorandum of Understanding will boost cooperation in the field of tropical agriculture science
19 July 2021, Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), setting out a path for their continued cooperation in the field of tropical agricultural science and technology.The MoU was signed virtually by Ismahane Elouafi, FAO’s Chief Scientist, and LIU Guodao, Vice President of CATAS for International Cooperation. The partnership will...