
Resource Partners
06 May 2021
The European Union–FAO partnership is strong and growing, as evidenced by the upward trend of the European Union’s voluntary contributions in recent years. This has enabled FAO to work extensively across the globe and in those regions where assistance is most needed.
Resource Partners
06 May 2021
Ever since the European Union joined FAO as a Member Organization in 1991, the EU-FAO partnership has been driven by a shared vision of a better future for all in a world free from hunger and poverty. Today, the partnership covers nearly all areas of FAO’s mandate. The EU-FAO partnership is embedded in the Strategic Dialogue, a periodic and forward-looking exercise that aims to readjust EU-FAO joint priorities for the short and medium-term.  The last Strategic Dialogue was organized in 2017 and a new edition is taking place in 2021. Last February, five technical webinars took place touching upon topics of common interest...
Resource Partners
29 Apr 2021
On Thursday 22 March 2021, the third of a series of five webinars called “Community Engagement Days” was held. Organized by the Dimitra Clubs Team of the Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) team.
28 Apr 2021
We are delighted to share with you an exciting opportunity to showcase your transformative research idea at the World Food Forum (WFF) 2021. Aligning with the core principles of the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit, and launched by the Youth Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the WFF aims to serve as the premier platform to engage and harness the passion of youth, galvanizing action and identifying solutions to the growing challenges facingour agri-food systems. Teams of up to five members are invited to submit a two-page concept note proposing an innovative...
Private Sector
26 Apr 2021
La FAO a le plaisir de lancer le portail CONNECT, pour le secteur privé, suite à l’approbation de la Stratégie de la FAO relative à la mobilisation du secteur privé (2021-25).Le portail est un «guichet unique» permettant de définir les collaborations entre la FAO et le secteur privé : Pour le secteur privé - pour entrer en contact, parcourir et découvrir les principales opportunités de partenariat et apprendre comment collaborer avec la FAO, de manière formelle ou informelle ; Pour les membres de la FAO - pour voir comment la FAO travaille avec le secteur privé et accéder...
Resource Partners
23 Apr 2021
At a time of unprecedented humanitarian needs, the Government of Belgium has increased its contribution to FAO’s Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) to grant FAO the necessary flexibility to determine how funds are allocated in the context of an emergency.
22 Apr 2021
La Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée (CGPM) a signé aujourd'hui un protocole d'accord avec l'Institut national de recherche halieutique (INRH) et l'Université Mohammed Premier (UMP) du Maroc afin d’encourager la formation et la recherche dans le domaine de la pêche et des sciences de la mer au sein de la région méditerranéenne.La collaboration entre les acteurs de la région est au cœur de la stratégie de la CGPM et il est crucial d’encourager l’adoption de pratiques durables dans le secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture en Méditerranée. Cet accord permettra à chaque entité de déployer...
South-south Cooperation
21 Apr 2021
Rome / Beijing, 21 April 2021 – FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) of the People’s Republic of China reaffirmed their partnership and shared their commitment to support the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the 9th Annual Consultation Meeting of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme (ACM) held virtually on 21 April 2021. In his opening remarks, Mr XIE Jianmin, Counsel of the Department of International Cooperation of MARA, mentioned that for the future of the FAO-China SSC Programme, “partnerships with developed countries, emerging economies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, scientific research institutions, the private sector,...
Parliamentary alliances
19 Apr 2021
Produced by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and FAO, the publication seeks to support legislative processes to promote healthy diets for all
Geneva/Rome - Aimed at providing lawmakers with practical guidance on legislative processes that prioritize nutrition, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), published today a new Handbook for Parliamentarians, entitled "Food Systems and Nutrition".The online Handbook was produced in collaboration with the Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's  Fund (UNICEF) and the African Union Development Agency's New Partnership for Africa's Development (AUDA-NEPAD).One out of three people globally suffers from at least one form of malnutrition, and the economic loss...
South-south Cooperation
16 Apr 2021
El objetivo es construir conocimientos e intercambiar buenas prácticas para la mitigación de los desperdicios de alimentos en los entornos escolares de América Latina y el Caribe.
Santiago de Chile, 16 de abril de 2021 – Países de América Latina y el Caribe participan, el día 27 de abril, del Diálogo sobre el Desperdicio de Alimentos en Escuelas: Desafíos y Posibilidades, promovido por laRed de Alimentación Escolar Sostenible (RAES), creada en el 2018 por el gobierno de Brasil. El evento tiene como objetivo promover el dialogo entre los países de la región para la construcción de conocimientos y de intercambio de buenas prácticas relacionadas a la mitigación de los desperdicios de alimentos en los entornos escolares.