
South-south Cooperation
22 Mar 2024
22 March 2024 Freetown -The Government of Sierra Leone and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have today signed an agreement through a Unilateral Trust Fund (UTF) that marks a pivotal step towards transforming the rice sector in the country. The UTF funding modality allows developing and middle-income countries to benefit from FAO’s technical expertise through funds provided by the beneficiary countries themselves, either from national resources or from the proceeds of loans, credits and grants made available by international financial institutions (IFIs) or bilateral resource partners.
Civil Society
21 Mar 2024
A five-year Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations seeks to strengthen technical capacities, promote dialogues on public policy, enhance participation and jointly mobilize resources
Against the backdrop of the FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Confederation of Family Producer Organizations of Expanded Mercosur (COPROFAM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Georgetown, Guyana in March 2024. The partnership...
Civil Society
19 Mar 2024
Partnerships are core to FAO’s strategy to achieve its objectives, and as part of this work, FAO has significantly strengthened its connections with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) over the past few years. Since the launch of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31, which calls for transformative partnerships to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), FAO is pursuing strategic engagement with CSOs, capitalizing on their breadth and diversity of expertise and characteristics, necessary to transforming agrifood systems and overcoming complex global challenges. FAO seeks close collaboration with CSOs...
South-south Cooperation
18 Mar 2024
18/03/2024 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), successfully concluded a capacity-building training for sustainable rice production in Morogoro, Tanzania. The training took place from February 29 to March 7, 2024, and saw the active participation of over 65 individuals, including researchers, agricultural extension officers, and smallholder rice farmers from various districts.
Resource Partners
14 Mar 2024
Entretien avec M. Alexander Jones, Directeur de la Division de la mobilisation de ressources de la FAO, au sujet de son récent déplacement en Afghanistan, lors duquel il a observé comment l’Organisation aide les agriculteurs à se relever
Rome – L’Afghanistan fait l’objet du plus vaste programme de pays de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), laquelle continue à y mener ses activités en dépit de l’instabilité politique actuelle. La FAO, qui compte plus de 400 employés sur le terrain, est présente dans chacune des 34 provinces du pays. La situation en matière de sécurité alimentaire demeure alarmante: plus de 15 millions de personnes, soit 36 pour cent de la population, souffrent de l’insécurité alimentaire. Pour autant, le travail accompli par la FAO avec d’autres partenaires contribue à faire reculer progressivement l’insécurité alimentaire: plus de 10 millions d’agriculteurs...
Parliamentary alliances
13 Mar 2024
Mexico City, March 7, 2024.- FAO celebrates and applauds the approval of the first legislation in Mexico that regulates the human right to nutritious, sufficient and quality food, as recognized in Article 4 of the Mexican Constitution. After more than two decades of work, Mexico leads the way in protecting and promoting this fundamental right with the approval of its General Law of Adequate and Sustainable Food. The new law has 111 articles, and its main objective is prioritizing the right to health, the environment, water, and the best interests of children in all policies related to adequate nutrition by the...
South-south Cooperation
08 Mar 2024
Brasilia, March 8, 2024 - Family farmer Rita de Cássia Alves has been president of the AgroVerde Cooperative, located in Guapimirim, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, since 2021.
South-south Cooperation
08 Mar 2024
8/03/2024 Tanzania – Recognizing Indonesia’s valuable technical know-how and development experience in the agriculture sector over the years, which has benefited many countries in the Global South, FAO colleagues from the South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division met with Indonesia counterparts in Tanzania to discuss ways to strengthen their collaborations.   In his visit to the Mkindo Farmer’s Agriculture and Rural Training Center (FARTC), Mr Kenya Konno, Programme Officer, South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division of FAO, acknowledged Indonesia’s South-South Cooperation long standing contributions in the agriculture sector to support Tanzania and neighboring African countries. He also stressed the importance of having the center...
South-south Cooperation
07 Mar 2024
March 7, 2024 - Chile joined this week a group of 14 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean in the implementation of the Sustainable Schools methodology, created in 2012 by Brazil-FAO Cooperation and participating countries.
Resource Partners
07 Mar 2024
FAO will support countries and regional bodies to develop proposals in support of national, regional and global efforts in preventing, preparing, and responding to pandemics under the second Pandemic Fund call. Building on the support provided to countries for the Pandemic Fund's first call for proposals and the 12 successful proposals that FAO will help implement in partnership with governments, civil society and other Implementing Entities, attention now turns to...