
Resource Partners
26 Sep 2017
Developing agriculture, forestry and natural resource management to enhance rural development are important components of a four-year cooperation agreement signed here today between Belarus and FAO
The FAO Country Programming Framework for the Republic of Belarus was signed in a ceremony at the Ministry of Agriculture by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Alla Lomakina and FAO Regional Programme Leader for Europe and Central Asia Raimund Jehle. Read More
25 Sep 2017
Elles feront front commun pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition dans le monde à l’heure des changements climatiques
À l’occasion du Colloque international sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition, et à l’heure des changements climatiques, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et l’Université Laval (UL) ont convenu de collaborer plus étroitement et conclu dans cet esprit un partenariat renouvelable de trois ans. Un protocole d’entente et un programme de travail orienteront le partenariat vers son objectif : favoriser le partage interinstitutionnel de connaissances pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition par la lutte contre les changements climatiques et l’adaptation à leur évolution. Le protocole d’entente a été signé à Québec le 24 septembre...
Resource Partners
25 Sep 2017
Partnership sharpens focus on resilience, food crises, climate change, agricultural investments, nutrition, sustainable food systems
25 September 2017, Rome/Brussels - Stepping up their long and fruitful partnership, FAO and the European Commission (EC) held the strategic dialogue meeting and agreed on joint priorities and deliverables for 2018-2020. The decision to intensify joint efforts comes at an important moment in time with both partners sharpening their focus in the areas of food security, nutrition, resilience, sustainable agriculture, ocean governance, all within the context of working together towards the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Since the European Union became an FAO Member Organization, the partnership has been increasing in importance. Both FAO and...
Resource Partners
21 Sep 2017
L'accord quadriennal se concentrera sur le renforcement du stockage du carbone dans la forêt en améliorant l'évaluation, la surveillance et la notification des activités de boisement et de reboisement
Septembre 2017 - Le 21 septembre, le Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Forêts et de la Pêche (MAFF) du Japon et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) ont conclu un accord qui contribuera à améliorer l'évaluation, le suivi et les rapports relatifs aux efforts mondiaux et nationaux en matière de boisement et de reboisement (A & R) et de conservation en vue d'accroître les stocks de carbone forestier. Le projet, financé par le MAFF pour un montant de 2 millions USD, s'étalera sur quatre ans. Cela permettra au Département des forêts de la FAO d'identifier, à l'échelle mondiale, les...
Private Sector
19 Sep 2017
Expanded partnership to tackle climate change and develop digital innovations for rural smallholders
FAO is entering an innovative strategic partnership with Unilever aimed at helping countries in their efforts to reduce food loss and waste and tackle climate change, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and Paul Polman, Chief Executive of Unilever and SDG Advocate, signed a Letter of Intent to help ensure better access to food and the promotion of sustainable agriculture, today in...
Resource Partners
19 Sep 2017
FAO and WFP co-hosted an event to present the findings of the report Breaking the impasse: Reducing protracted internal displacement as a collective outcome.
Parliamentary alliances
18 Sep 2017
On the 19th of July 2017, the Italian Chamber of Deputies launched the FAO Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security; the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) welcomes this initiative in the presence of Italian Parliamentarians, representatives of the World Food Programme (WFP), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and civil society organizations.  “Ensuring food security is a real challenge but it is within our reach”, said Honourable Stella Bianchi promoter of the Alliance, which already gathers almost 50 Parliamentarians from different political parties. “We want to contribute to the achievement of the Zero Hunger Goal and we...
South-south Cooperation
13 Sep 2017
With FAO's support, within the South-South cooperation framework, civil servants from Kenya visited Ecuador and Peru to exchange experiences related to reinforcing agriculture and food security.
13 Sep 2017
La FAO et le Forum régional des universités pour le renforcement des capacités en agriculture (RUFORUM) ont récemment lancé un Hub d’E-learning pour faciliter l'accès des étudiants des universités africaines au dépôt de connaissances de la FAO
La FAO et le Forum régional des universités pour le renforcement des capacités en agriculture (RUFORUM) ont récemment lancé un Hub d’E-learning pour faciliter l'accès des étudiants et des chercheurs des universités africaines au vaste dépôt de connaissances de la FAO. Grâce à ce hub d'e-learning, les étudiants de 66 universités membres de RUFORUM dans 26 pays d'Afrique peuvent maintenant accéder aux richesses des ressources de la FAO dans les domaines de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, du développement social et économique et de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles. Cette initiative conjointe vise à fournir aux étudiants et aux...
South-south Cooperation
12 Sep 2017
IFAD, WFP and FAO underline the importance of partnerships among the countries in the Global South to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Rome, 12 September 2017 – IFAD, WFP and FAO commemorated today the UN South-South Cooperation Day together in a joint special event that took place in IFAD Headquarters in Rome. “It is particularly important that we are commemorating together the UN South-South Cooperation Day to remember the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action in 1978 which gave start to the mainstreaming of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) as a key tool to tackling development issues,” said Daniel Gustafson, FAO Deputy Director General (Programmes). Emerging economies have stepped up in the last decade in taking the lead in...