
01 Sep 2016
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy (the Friedman School) at Tufts University have entered into a collaboration aiming to increase our understanding of what foods and nutrients people are actually consuming around the world.  Many policy and programme makers still rely, today, on data related to the availability of food at national level (i.e. food supply data) or at household level (i.e. household survey data). Providing governments and policymakers access to high-quality, timely and comprehensive food security and nutrition analyses is essential to encourage formulation of policies...
Parliamentary alliances
25 Aug 2016
The Parliamentarians, who gathered together in San José, Costa Rica, are working to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals, and especially the Goal2 which aims at ending hunger and malnutrition by 2030. The first meeting of Mesoamerica's Parliamentary Fronts and Colombia will strengthen their cooperation, exchange experiences and define the priority areas of the legislative agendas of Mesoamerica and Colombia. During the meeting, the Parliamentary Fronts against Hunger of Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica,...
Parliamentary alliances
01 Aug 2016
FAO, the Pan-African Parliament and the Parliamentary Front against Hunger together for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa Johannesburg - The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) delivered a workshop with PAP Parliamentarians in South Africa, to advance the process of establishing the Pan African Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (PAPA-FSN) as they...
Resource Partners
07 Jul 2016
Norway is the third largest donor of voluntary contributions to the organization
7 July 2016, Rome – FAO and Norway have agreed to continue an already fruitful cooperation in the strategic areas of fisheries, the right to food, climate-smart agriculture, deforestation, gender equity and food loss and waste. An agreement signed today by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and Norway’s Ambassador to FAO, Inge Nordang, paves the way for the continuation of a longstanding successful collaboration. It also covers funding and joint work on emergencies and response to natural disasters. Norway is among FAO’s top 20 resource partners and has been the third largest donor country of voluntary contributions to the organization in...
Resource Partners
27 Jun 2016
La République de Singapour a intégré le Programme des cadres associés de la FAO (APO) au mois de janvier, devenant ainsi le quatrième pays asiatique à participer au projet. Parmi les autres participants, on peut mentionner la République populaire démocratique de Corée, le Japon, la République de Corée. Singapour a adhéré à la FAO en tant que nouveau membre en 2013. Les candidats seront sélectionnés après avoir passé des tests écrits et oraux tels qu’ils sont organisés par la FAO. Les qualifications exigées sont les suivantes: niveau de qualification universitaire supérieur, maîtrise d’une des langues officielles des Nations Unies et connaissance...
Resource Partners
21 Jun 2016
Mercredi dernier, le 15 juin 2016, le Gouvernement du Royaume de Belgique, représenté par le Ministère de la Coopération au développement et la FAO ont signé un nouvel accord-cadre destiné à renforcer la collaboration FAO-Belgique dans le domaine de l’aide humanitaire et du développement, et ont aligné les stratégies de la Belgique concernant les secteurs de l’agriculture durable, de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition sur les Programmes stratégiques de la FAO. Le partenariat historique entre la Belgique et la FAO a fourni à l’Organisation à travers des contributions fixées et volontaires, un soutien considérable et pérenne. La Belgique...
21 Jun 2016
Brazil and United States support FAO in improving capacity development for agricultural innovation meeting demands of the 21st century
Rome, 21 June 2016 – Capacity development for agricultural innovation needs to include a nutritional dimension, experts agreed at a symposium in Rome, discussing ways to make capacity development for innovation in agriculture better equipped to face the challenges of the 21st century. Amid growing consensus that to feed a growing world population and meet major challenges such as climate change, agriculture must increase its production and productivity while at the same time save the...
Civil Society
21 Jun 2016
Ce Manuel Populaire est un guide pédagogique et didactique qui vise à faciliter la compréhension des Directives et à offrir une orientation pour son utilisation
Rome, 21 juin 2016. Un réseau d'organisations de la société civile à travers le monde, avec le soutien technique de la FAO, ont publié le Manuel Populaire des Directives pour la Gouvernance des Terres, Pêches et Forêts. C’est un effort pour avancer dans la mise en oeuvre au niveau de base des Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire nationale (VGGT, par son acronyme en anglais). Manuel Populaire Ce Manuel Populaire est un guide pédagogique et didactique...
15 Jun 2016
The Agreement calls for the exchange of expertise and resources, development of training materials and greater professional learning opportunities for students
FAO and the Roma Tre University in Rome have signed an agreement to strengthen their ongoing collaboration in the education sector. FAO will now contribute its expertise in the key themes of Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Development to the university Master’s courses. As a result of the agreement, Roma Tre will formally integrate FAO's materials and resources in its English-language Master’s programs "Human Development and Food Security" and "Cooperatives: Economics, Law and Management". These programs are of particular relevance to FAO’s priority areas of work: Family Farming, Nutrition, Microfinance, Cooperatives, Gender, Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems,...
Resource Partners
15 Jun 2016
Graziano da Silva: improve access to land and other resources for small-scale farmers; increase investments in sustainable agriculture, resilience building
15 June 2016, Brussels - Sustainable rural development is key to addressing hunger, poverty and the other root causes of migration, a growing phenomenon which is undermining  many countries' ability to achieve their development goals, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today. "The migratory pressures causing major concern at a global level today result from war, conflict and political instability, but FAO also calls for adequate attention to be given to pressures associated with the very root causes of migration," Graziano da Silva told participants at the European Development Days 2016 in Brussels.