
Private Sector
08 Mar 2019
Un nouveau partenariat axé sur la participation des petites et moyennes entreprises, afin de rendre les systèmes alimentaires urbains plus sensibles à la nutrition
8 mars 2019, Rome – La FAO et l’Alliance mondiale pour l’amélioration de la nutrition (GAIN) ont convenu aujourd’hui d’unir leurs forces pour accroître la disponibilité et l’accessibilité économique en aliments nutritifs pour tous dans les pays en développement. Le partenariat, signé hier (jeudi 7 mars), vise à mettre en place des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires inclusifs et...
Resource Partners
07 Mar 2019
Projects worth 1.6 million Euro will help Sudan’s agricultural sector mitigate and adapt to climate change
The Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) sealed an agreement with FAO today, detailing technical support to the National Council for Environment of Sudan, and turning ongoing cooperation activities between Italy and Sudan into tangible projects and initiatives to implement. Two approved projects totaling 1 611 877 Euro will enhance and protect rural livelihoods in Sudan thanks to tailored climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. The projects have specifically been developed within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in November 2016 between IMELS and the former Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development (MENRPD)...
19 Feb 2019
Joint efforts will focus on improving sustainable management of natural resources and nutrition sensitive, inclusive agro-food systems, in support of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Foundation for the Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA Foundation), a network of research and innovation institutions in 19 participating Mediterranean countries*, are joining efforts to foster innovation, research, technology transfer and capacity development. Together, the two organizations will address challenges related to climate change, urbanization and sustainability, both in...
Resource Partners
13 Feb 2019
New $93 million contribution from Saudi Arabia is a boost for sustainable rural development efforts
South-south Cooperation
12 Feb 2019
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization has urged countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) to be vigilant in their inspection and monitoring of cross border trade of animal products as transboundary animal diseases (TADs) continue to pose health risks. From January 30th to  February 1st,...