
Private Sector
27 Feb 2018
Eni and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have signed yesterday a Collaboration Agreement to foster access to safe and clean water in Nigeria by drilling boreholes powered with photovoltaic systems, both for domestic use and irrigation purposes. The project aims to contribute to the humanitarian interventions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities, suffering from the North East - Lake Chad crisis, which have led to unprecedented levels of population displacements and prolonged disruption of agricultural, livestock and fishing activities.  
22 Feb 2018
Le 16 février la FAO et quatre institutions français réputées pour leur recherche et la qualité de leur enseignement supérieur ont signé des nouveaux accords de partenariat.
Le 16 février la FAO et quatre institutions français réputées pour leur recherche et la qualité de leur enseignement supérieur - le Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement(CIRAD), l'Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA), l'Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) et Agreenium (l'Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France) ont signé des nouveaux accords de partenariat. pour intensifier leurs efforts conjoints et développer davantage d'initiatives innovantes liées à la sécurité et à l'environnement qui contribueront à la réalisation du Programme de développement durable à l'horizon 2030. Les nouveaux partenariats se...
Resource Partners
16 Feb 2018
Rome - FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan concluded their two-day Annual Review Meeting  at FAO's Headquarters in Rome, during which the parties reviewed ongoing projects funded by MAFF and discussed priority areas and further collaboration. Welcoming the delegation of seven MAFF experts, Daniel Gustafson, FAO Deputy Director-General for Programmes, recalled the success of the Second Japan-FAO Annual Strategic Consultation, and thanked Japan for its important role with FAO in supporting countries in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGs - including the eradication of poverty and hunger. Mr Daiji...
Resource Partners
15 Feb 2018
The sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture is the focus of an agreement signed here this week by Georgia and FAO.
Resource Partners
15 Feb 2018
Rome – FAO welcomed high level representatives of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, along with the Agence Française de Dévelopement (AFD) and leading research agencies, to discuss common priorities. This was the first strategic dialogue between France and FAO since both parties signed a new framework agreement (2018-2021) last December 2017. The meeting was an occasion to exchange ideas on key focus areas, such as agro-ecology, climate change, biodiversity, rural youth employment, migration, food security and nutrition governance. The delegation, led by Frédéric Lambert, Chef du service Europe et International at France’s Ministry...