
Parliamentary alliances
12 Oct 2017
FAO and the Pan-African Parliament launch capacity reinforcement initiative for legislators
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Pan-African Parliament have launched a partnership to improve legislation of food and nutrition security issues in Africa. The two -year project aims at enhancing the technical capacities of the Pan-African Parliament and the Pan-African Parliamentary Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition (PAPA-FSN). It will also benefit legislators in four pilot countries; Cameroun, Madagascar, Sierra Leone and Uganda to advance strategies, policies and laws on the right-to-adequate-food, investments in food and nutrition security at...
Resource Partners
10 Oct 2017
Le Canada est l’un des principaux partenaires de la FAO dans la lutte contre la faim. En 2016, il était l'un des dix premiers contributeurs de l'organisation. L'aide du Canada s'est fortement concentrée sur trois domaines prioritaires: renforcer la sécurité alimentaire, stimuler une croissance économique durable et assurer l'avenir des enfants et des jeunes, champs d’activité qui sont bien alignés sur les objectifs stratégiques de la FAO. En janvier 2017, lors de la réunion des ministres de l’agriculture du G20 à Berlin, le Canada a réaffirmé sa volonté de soutenir pleinement la durabilité et de promouvoir l'innovation visant à renforcer...
South-south Cooperation
10 Oct 2017
High-level delegates from Kenya spent one week in Malaysia meeting their peers to discuss how to turn food security and nutrition policy into action
Rome/Kuala Lumpur, 10 October 2017. An eight-member Kenyan delegation, led by James Wachiuri Wanjohi, Technical Advisor to the  Principal Secretary/State Department of Agriculture, spent one week in  Malaysia learning how decentralized mechanisms can help turn national food security and nutrition policy into action. In 2010 Kenya adopted a devolved governance system and 47 new county governments were established. The Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF) along with the county governments requested FAO to support their understanding of how decentralization can support their Agriculture Sector Growth and Transformation Strategy (ASGTS). The strategy is supported through the joint FAO - European...
Resource Partners
10 Oct 2017
European Commission-funded, FAO-led partnership will help African, Caribbean and Pacific countries shift from wildmeat to alternative sources of animal protein