
Resource Partners
17 Aug 2017
A new FAO project targets Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey, for development of vocational skills in the agriculture sector. The aim is to provide employment opportunities for some 900 people in five provinces of Southern Turkey: Adana, Gaziantep, Isparta, Mersin and Sanliurfa. With a budget of US$ 1.7 million, the project is financed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), with Turkey’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock as lead executing partner and FAO as implementing agency.
Resource Partners
10 Aug 2017
Le Gouvernement libyen vient de signer un accord de 3,5 millions de dollars avec la FAO pour renforcer ses capacités techniques et fonctionnelles nationales en agriculture. Le projet vise à renforcer les capacités et assurer des services de soutien gouvernementaux plus efficaces et plus performants dans le secteur agricole avec l’objectif de créer de meilleures synergies et d’avoir des impacts plus positifs.
Resource Partners
09 Aug 2017
A range of problems in the agriculture sector in South Western border districts of Balochistan will be addressed simultaneously capturing some specific opportunities in the agriculture sector through the Australia Balochistan Agri-business Programme-Phase Two (AusABBA II) .
Resource Partners
25 Jul 2017
Events in Ankara today and tomorrow kick off the second phase of a successful partnership between Turkey and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). High-level participation from numerous countries reflects the partnership’s international significance.