
Civil Society
12 Apr 2017
Rome - FAO and Consumers International, a global federation of consumer rights groups, have agreed to intensify their collaboration to help end hunger. The agreement recognizes that consumers around the world can be a powerful force for change towards more sustainable and equitable food systems.Key areas of mutual interest for FAO and CI include the right to food, consumer protection, nutrition and food safety.The partnership aims to enhance Consumer International's access to FAO's wealth of knowledge and information while FAO can work more closely with the network of CI's member organizations who communicate with and advocate...
30 Mar 2017
Focus is on food security and helping poor farmers by enhancing crop resilience and adapting to climate change
FAO and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) have agreed to cooperate more closely to support sustainable rice production in developing countries to improve food security and livelihoods while safeguarding natural resources. An agreement signed today seeks to better pool the scientific knowledge and technical know-how of the two organizations so that they can expand and intensify their work globally. The partnership primarily aims to enhance sustainable rice-based farming systems through capacity building activities - including assisting governments draw up and implement national and regional policies and strategies - to the benefit of small-scale farmers, especially women. "The world faces very significant...
Resource Partners
28 Mar 2017
By pooling the ideas and knowledge of technical experts, partners, and concerned national institutions, Kyrgyzstan aims to prepare a high-quality proposal for financing by the Green Climate Fund. A three-day national facilitation workshop on Green Climate Fund readiness and project formulation – hosted and organized by Kyrgyzstan’s State Agency on environmental Protection and Forestry and FAO – opens today at the Park Hotel in Bishkek.
Resource Partners
27 Mar 2017
Une coopération avec la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates
En novembre dernier, la FAO a signé avec la Fondation Gates une convention de subvention de 10,5 millions d’USD, dans le but de renforcer les capacités des pays à collecter des données sur l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire, et à surveiller le cycle investissements-processus-résultats permettant de réaliser les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD).
Resource Partners
24 Mar 2017
Le “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen” mènera des recherches en science marine afin de promouvoir la pêche durable et d'étudier les effets du changement climatique sur les océans
La FAO et la Norvège ont  lancé aujourd'hui un tout nouveau navire d'études marines à la pointe de la technologie, parmi les plus sophistiqués au monde et le seul à battre pavillon avec le drapeau des Nations Unies. Sa mission consiste à explorer l'un des océans les plus méconnus de la planète, à l'aide de technologies de pointe et d'équipements sophistiqués, afin d'aider les pays en développement à réunir les données scientifiques essentielles à la gestion durable des pêches et à étudier la manière dont le changement climatique affecte nos océans.