
Parliamentary alliances
15 Jun 2016
On the 8th of June 2016, after years of work, the Congress of the Dominican Republic approved a law that creates a National System for Food Sovereignty and Food Security and Nutrition. Guadalupe Valdez, Coordinator of the Dominican Republic Parliamentary Front against Hunger - and main driver of this legislation - affirms: “Providing the people with a law that guarantees the Right to Food, further commits us to continuing the fight against hunger and malnutrition”.
South-south Cooperation
07 Jun 2016
Pledge to leverage agricultural expertise for the benefit of all
7 June 2016, Beijing - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of the People's Republic of China have announced plans to intensify their partnership in south-south cooperation activities, FAO announced today. After decades of successful collaboration, China and FAO have agreed to broaden the scope of their cooperation, building on their achievements to further promote rural development worldwide. A new Memorandum of Understanding on the Strategic Cooperation on Agriculture and Food Security, agreed Saturday, will pave the way for this. The MoU will facilitate Chinese assistance to other countries through China's Belt and...
Civil Society
27 May 2016
Partnership would include capacity development and empowerment initiatives
27 May 2016, Rome - FAO said today it will engage in a strategic partnership with India's Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) in order to optimize its efforts on the empowerment of rural people, women in particular, which are key to eradicate poverty and hunger and to promote nutritious and healthy food systems. The partnership will be signed later this year.
Parliamentary alliances
26 May 2016
Senator Guido Girard Lavín presented the new law about food labelling of Chile in FAO Headquarters; this law will come into force in June, after a process started ten years ago and after an intense negotiation with the food industry. He affirmed that "The right to know is fundamental so that people could know what they eat and take informed decisions in order to reach a healthy diet ".  The Food Labelling Law comes in a moment of great impulse for the concept of Nutrition worldwide. The General Assembly of the United Nations declared the “Nutrition Decade” last 1st April,...
26 May 2016
Chile promulga una nueva ley de etiquetado de alimentos pionera en el mundo
Roma, 26 de mayo de 2016. “El derecho a saber es fundamental para que la gente pueda saber lo que come y tomar decisiones informadas para alcanzar una dieta saludable”, decía el senador Guido Girard Lavín en la sede de la FAO en la presentación de la nueva ley de etiquetado de alimentos de Chile, que entrará en vigor este próximo mes de junio, después de haber iniciado su tramitación hace casi diez años y tras haber librado una gran lucha y negociación con la industria alimentaria. La lucha Fue en 2007...