
South-south Cooperation
24 Aug 2015
24 August 2015, Rome – Agencies of the United Nations and Member States will gather with groups from the private and civil society sectors to discuss South-South policy in Macao, China this week.  The three-day forum, entitled: “Scaling-up global support for South-South and Triangular Cooperation in the context of the post-2015 development agenda,” is being organized by the General Assembly High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation and other strategic partners. Stakeholders are expected to address South-South policy, with special focus on partnership building, innovative financing and how to build on the successes achieved to-date. The world has undergone a major economic and political transformation...
05 Aug 2015
Officers from FAO participated in the activities, yesterday and today, of the Chilean Family Farming Week, organized by the Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario de Chile (INDAP) within the framework of the Expo Milan 2015 global fair.
August 4, 2015, Milan – Officers from FAO participated in the activities, yesterday and today, of the Chilean Family Farming Week, organized by the Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario de Chile (INDAP) within the framework of the Expo Milan 2015 global fair. The activities, that took place during five days, aim to sensitize and revalue the rural world and rural culture...
Private Sector
20 Jul 2015
Martin Willhaus, directeur général de la Fondation Kuehne reflète sur les résultats de la société à ce jour et l'importance de renforcer les partenariats public-privé, ce que la FAO est en train de faire.
La Fondation Kuehne et la FAO ont signé l'année dernière un accord de coopération pour soutenir des moyens de subsistance en milieu rural par l’amélioration de la logistique. Les capacités combinées des deux organisations augmentent l'impact de leurs efforts respectifs pour réduire les pertes alimentaires et le gaspillage. La Fondation Kuehne et la FAO travaillent ensemble pour répondre au nombre croissant des crises et des situations d'urgence pour accroître la résilience des moyens de subsistance en cas de catastrophes. Martin...
Private Sector
08 Jul 2015
L’accord pourrait servir de modèle pour de futurs partenariats entre le privé et le public
8 juillet 2015, Rome – Autogrill, la multinationale qui gère des cafés-restaurants et des points de vente de produits alimentaires sur les autoroutes et dans les aérogares d'une trentaine de pays, vient de passer un accord de partenariat avec la FAO en vue de réduire le gaspillage et les pertes alimentaires tout en encourageant la production des petits agriculteurs...
Private Sector
22 Jun 2015
Director-General meets Rabobank board to enlarge FAO’s flagship partnership
22 June, 2015, Utrecht - FAO and the Dutch Rabobank Foundation will scale up their collaboration after two years of successful initiatives in East Africa. "This is a flagship partnership for FAO," Director-General José Graziano da Silva, said in an address today to the foodFIRST conference here, which this year is focused on the future of farming and food security in Africa.