
08 Jun 2015
La présentation des candidatures peut être faite du 02 juin au 31 octobre 2015 dans les catégories suivantes du prix
Les palmiers dattiers sont essentiels pour les moyens d'existence des populations aux Émirats arabes unis et autres pays du Proche-Orient. Ils apportent la subsistance, des matériaux de construction, de l'ombre et une source de revenu. Depuis 1965, la FAO est fière d'aider à promouvoir les palmiers dattiers, tout en reconnaissant que les Émirats arabes unis sont au premier plan dans les efforts régionaux et internationaux pour la production durable les palmiers dattiers. Au printemps 2015, deux oasis de palmiers dattiers ont rejoint le nombre croissant d'écosystèmes qui sont officiellement reconnus par la FAO pour leur importance en tant que...
South-south Cooperation
07 Jun 2015
Focus on knowledge exchanges for sustainable agriculture, value chains
7 June 2015, Rome - China and FAO today signed a $50 million agreement to support developing countries in building sustainable food systems and inclusive agricultural value chains, recognizing the growing importance of collaboration between Southern countries in the fight against extreme hunger and poverty...
Private Sector
03 Jun 2015
Au Viet Nam, leur partenariat facilitera aux collectivités tributaires de la forêt l’accès aux chaînes d'approvisionnement et les enseignements seront répliqués ailleurs
 La FAO et la chaîne d'ameublement suédoise IKEA sont d'accord pour travailler ensemble sur un projet de certification forestière au Viet Nam promouvant à la fois la gestion durable des plantations forestières et l'autonomisation des communautés tributaires de la forêt.
Civil Society
19 May 2015
FAO participates in the roundtable discussion “Caritas’ role to guarantee food security within the next five years” in Expo Milan 2015
19 May 2015, Milan – FAO joined the inaugural day for Caritas at the Expo Milan 2015. Rolf Hackbart, Deputy Director of the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development, represented FAO and advocated the fight to end hunger together with Caritas. The event focused on family and small-scale farming. “We need to change the way we relate to land. Family farming is so important to do this,” said Hackbart. Hackbart encouraged the strengthening of rural livelihoods in terms of education, training, health and access to natural resources. “This is why we need to change the current system, geared...
13 May 2015
FAO and the John Cabot University agree on “Communicating to Inspire Change: Food Security and Sustainability” a summer short course in July 2015 designed to provide University students with a solid and broad background on food security and sustainability
FAO and the John Cabot University agree on “Communicating to Inspire Change: Food Security and Sustainability” a summer short course in July 2015 designed to provide University students with a solid and broad background on food security and sustainability so that they may have the key informational foundations to develop methods and tools for “Communicating to Inspire Change.”   The course will be in English. During the second half of 2014, the Office for Corporate Communications in collaboration with the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC), FAO, established linkages with a number of Universities worldwide, especially prior to the International...