
Civil Society
29 Jan 2015
FAO meets with the European Coordination of La Via Campesina to work towards the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure
29 January 2015, Rome – The European Coordination of La Via Campesina (ECVC) today presented its conclusions on common land issues in Europe and Central Asia regarding progress on the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure (VGGT).  “Despite our perception, we have observed strong dynamics of concentration of land and land grabbing also taking place in Europe. Agricultural lands are being transformed into non-agricultural use at a fast pace. We have also noticed a problem on access to land for small scale farmers, young, and prospective farmers,” said...
South-south Cooperation
19 Jan 2015
19 January 2015, Kampala – Member countries of the Coalition for Africa Rice Development (CARD) launched a new project aimed at improving capacity of these countries for timely collection and provision of reliable statistics on rice...
South-south Cooperation
31 Dec 2014
Director-General Graziano da Silva will meet new cabinet ministers in Brasilia
31 December 2014, Rome - Brazil has added $17 million in funding to projects undertaken in its ongoing partnership with FAO, highlighting the Latin American country's role as a key regional and global contributor to the fight against hunger...
South-south Cooperation
15 Dec 2014
Knowledge exchanges between nations of the global south can offer new solutions for development challenges - FAO Director-General
15 December 2014, Rome/Marrakesh - Horizontal cooperation between countries of the global South is increasingly important to meeting the sustainable development challenges of our time, said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva at the first International Conference on South-South Cooperation in Marrakesh, Morocco, this weekend...
Civil Society
27 Nov 2014
FAO et ActionAid International se réunissent pour identifier les domaines de collaboration
25 Novembre 2014, Rome, – La FAO et ActionAid International ont renforcé les synergies pour un prochain protocole d’entente (Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)) dans une réunion technique tenue aujourd'hui au siège de la FAO à Rome. «Nous voulions identifier les capacités spécifiques de ActionAid et les faire correspondre avec les activités de la FAO pour faire avancer la mise en œuvre des objectifs stratégiques à travers les initiatives régionales et les activités au niveau des pays», a déclaré Rodrigo Castañeda, directeur des partenariats de la FAO.