
Private Sector
29 May 2014
FAO Director-General says upcoming hunger and nutrition events in Italy of "paramount importance" in tackling urgent challenges
Next year's EXPO Milano 2015, with its food security-oriented theme, and an international nutrition conference coming up in Rome in November, will be "emblematic efforts that help to shape the sustainable future we want," FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said. Speaking at a round-table discussion linked to EXPO 2015, Graziano da Silva said, "We need to act now, forcefully, to reach a world in which there is no over- or under-nutrition." FAO's Director-General called for broad action to "ensure adequate food security and nutrition for all," and to support sustainable, inclusive, social and economic development. "The fact is that hunger and...
Civil Society
23 May 2014
FAO working to increase civil society’s profile in global efforts toward hunger reduction
23 May 2014, Rome – FAO and the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) are stepping up their cooperation to try and put those who produce food at the centre of the global debate on food and agriculture. In an exchange of letters that happened today, FAO recognized IPC's important role as a global platform for small-scale food producers, rural workers’ associations, grassroots and community-based organizations and social movements that brings together over 800 organizations and 300 million small-scale food producers. FAO believes that the new partnership will boost food security and nutrition at the global and regional level by allowing the...
Civil Society
09 May 2014
More than 50 civil society representatives participated in discussions about climate change, family farming and other relevant topics
Representatives of ten civil society organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean met FAO Director-General  during the Regional Conference this week in Santiago de Chile, to discuss about civil society contributions to South-South Cooperation, climate change,  land access and food sovereignty. The representative from the Latin American Agro-ecological Movement (MAELA, in Spanish), highlighted the Regional Conference as a formal space for the dialogue and  the positioning of civil society before the Goverments of the region, more specifically, of the small-scale food producers of the region. Graziano da Silva stressed the importance of deepening the dialogue between civil society and...
Private Sector
07 May 2014
Ouverture du Congrès international SAVE FOOD à Düsseldorf
 Il est essentiel d'affronter le problème des pertes alimentaires colossales pour réduire la faim et la pauvreté dans le monde, mais il faut pour cela que les gouvernements et les entreprises renforcent leur collaboration, voici un des messages clés lancés au 2eme congrès international SAVE FOOD organisé à Düsseldorf. Le Sous-Directeur général de la FAO Ren Wang a insisté sur le fait qu'une coordination efficace tous azimuts pourrait "véritablement faire changer les choses". Alors que 842 millions de personnes souffrent de faim chronique, quelque 1,3 milliard de tonnes de nourriture sont perdues ou gaspillées chaque année. La FAO estime que les aliments produits...
Private Sector
30 Apr 2014
Retransmission en direct du lancement du partenariat le 2 mai à Washington, et article à la une du numéro de mai
La National Geographic Society et la FAO unissent leurs forces pour sensibiliser l'opinion aux problèmes liés à l'alimentation et l‘agriculture. La National Geographic Society, institution à but non lucratif basée aux États-Unis, lance en mai une série de huit reportages mensuels approfondis sur l'alimentation, avec un article qui sera annoncé en couverture du numéro de mai du magazine National Geographic et de sa version numérique sur le site Le coup d'envoi officiel de la collaboration sera donné par un événement qui se déroulera sur trois jours, du 2 au 4 mai, au siège du National Geographic à Washington, D.C. Il...