
Private Sector
06 Dec 2013
Approval of the Guidelines is recognized as an enormous step forward in setting fair standards for tenure in all countries.
In the first decade of this century, the developing world dealt with an unprecedented level of large-scale land acquisition by international speculators and global agribusinesses, mainly in Africa. Other, related issues included corruption in natural resource administration, conflicting claims over natural resources, and lack of recognition of customary tenure systems. This focused global attention on the need for more responsible governance of tenure. It was against this backdrop that more than a thousand experts from governments, academia, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector, representing 133 countries, participated in a series of consultations, workshops, drafting committees and intergovernmental...
Private Sector
04 Dec 2013
La FAO et des entreprises privées font le point sur les initiatives de développement durable
Rome - Le secteur privé peut apporter une contribution notable à la lutte contre la faim et la pauvreté et promouvoir la production et la consommation des denrées alimentaires de manière durable, a déclaré aujourd'hui M. José Graziano da Silva, Directeur général de la FAO, au cours de sa rencontre avec des représentants d'associations et de fédérations du secteur privé.Le Directeur général, qui s'adressait au siège de la FAO aux responsables de plus de cinq mille entreprises privées, inaugurait ainsi la première d'une série de rencontres-débats axées sur la participation du secteur privé aux initiatives de réduction de la...
Civil Society
28 Nov 2013
Ensuring balanced representation in Asia-Pacific
Civil society and FAO agreed on improved space for dialogue and enhanced mechanisms to foster both closer partnerships and wider balanced representation in pursuit of the shared goal for eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition in Asia and the Pacific. Despite important progress obtained over the years, today’s world continues to face serious problems of poverty, hunger and malnutrition. CSOs play a crucial role in food security and poverty reduction is several areas: from policy dialogue and discussions on substantive matters to programme and project design and implementation. A CSO/FAO consultation in Bangkok on 20 and 21...
Civil Society
26 Nov 2013
Food recognized as catalyst for bridging cultural differences, fighting poverty
FAO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) have agreed to strengthen ties, using food as a bridge to improve cross-cultural relations and promote shared prosperity. At a signing ceremony Friday at FAO’s New York office, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) formalizing the new partnership. “A hungry world is not a peaceful world,” declared the FAO Director-General. “Sustainable food production bolsters not only food security, but also human security in all its forms.” Food also brings people together, added...
Private Sector
22 Nov 2013
In an effort to strengthen FAO’s engagement with the private sector, the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship (BCCCC) conducted a capacity development course at FAO headquarters this week.
22 November 2013, Rome - In an effort to strengthen FAO’s engagement with the private sector, the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship (BCCCC) conducted a capacity development course at FAO headquarters this week. Over thirty FAO staff participated in the intensive five-day training, including private sector focal points from technical divisions and representatives from the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC). The BCCCC program at FAO marks the first time corporate citizenship training has been offered in a UN setting. Instructors from BCCCC worked with OPC Private Sector Team leader Annamaria Pastore over a number...