
24 May 2017
La FAO et le Centre agronomique tropical de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur (CATIE) situé au Costa Rica ont réaffirmé leur engagement à collaborer en signant un accord de renouvellement du partenariat. Le CATIE est un partenaire clé de la FAO en Amérique Latine et contribue à l’augmentation de la présence de la FAO sur le terrain par l’organisation des activités conjointes de renforcement des capacités et par la fourniture d'une expertise locale de haut niveau pour les études de recherche. Le partenariat de la FAO et du CATIE contribue à des stratégies, des outils et des méthodologies mieux informés pour améliorer...
10 May 2017
La sécurité alimentaire ne peut être réalisée que par une collaboration efficace avec toutes les parties intéressées dans le secteur de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture en utilisant les connaissances, l'expérience et les avantages comparatifs de chacune.  En mars 2017, en reconnaissant le succès des quatre dernières...
13 Apr 2017
Moscow, Russian Federation – Optimizing farming under existing soil and climatic conditions in Russia’s main agricultural regions was the focus of a roundtable discussion here today at the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU-MTAA). New technologies took centre stage. “Smart technologies in agroecology and farming” – co-organized by FAO and supported by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture – was broadcast to leading agrarian universities across Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States. Today’s experts’ meeting was the first in a series of events organized jointly...
30 Mar 2017
Focus is on food security and helping poor farmers by enhancing crop resilience and adapting to climate change
FAO and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) have agreed to cooperate more closely to support sustainable rice production in developing countries to improve food security and livelihoods while safeguarding natural resources. An agreement signed today seeks to better pool the scientific knowledge and technical know-how of the two organizations so that they can expand and intensify their work globally. The partnership primarily aims to enhance sustainable rice-based farming systems through capacity building activities - including assisting governments draw up and implement national and regional policies and strategies - to the benefit of small-scale farmers, especially women. "The world faces very significant...
20 Mar 2017
The Njala University in Sierra Leone had talks with Bukar Tijani, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa
The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, especially in the areas of food security and poverty reduction, requires strong and enhanced partnerships with different sections of the society. The role of higher learning institutions are very key in achieving these ambitious goals as the majority of poor people in developing countries, including Sierra Leone, live in rural areas and education is a key factor in helping to reduce the level of poverty.