
13 Jan 2023
Rome, Italy. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law have renewed their partnership through the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding with an aim of strengthening policies and legal frameworks to ensure food is safe and healthy for all. The new agreement builds upon the FAO-UCLA partnership established in 2019 and recommits to actions for achieving Better Nutrition to "end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition in all its forms, including promoting nutritious food and increasing access to healthy diets"...
South-south Cooperation
04 Jan 2023
The "Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management" (MEV-CAM) Initiative alters the way South-South knowledge management is approached by using local and indigenous knowledge to restore degraded drylands with more sustainable practices. By empowering communities and stakeholders to demonstrate their skills, express their challenges, and share successes, the most significant impact can be visualized from the process of change itself.
21 Dec 2022
FAO has provided an update on its engagements with non-state actors (NSAs), publishing its Partnerships with Non-State Actors at FAO Progress Report 2020-2021. The paper sets out how the FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration (PSU) Division has continued to facilitate FAO’s work with a wide range of partners, including civil society organizations, cooperatives, producer organizations, parliamentarians, Indigenous Peoples, academia and research institutes. The report covers...
Civil Society
21 Dec 2022
FAO has provided an update on its engagements with non-state actors (NSAs), publishing its Partnerships with Non-State Actors at FAO Progress Report 2020-2021. The paper sets out how the FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration (PSU) Division has continued to facilitate FAO’s work with a wide range of partners, including civil society organizations, cooperatives, producer organizations, parliamentarians, Indigenous Peoples, academia and research institutes. The report covers...
South-south Cooperation
19 Dec 2022
It has been a busy year for the Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management initiative: the last 12 months have seen the initiative expand its participatory approach to process documentation and development across 18 countries. As we begin to look towards 2023, MEV-CAM held a Forestry Technical Network webinar to reflect on the year’s progress, identify the best practices applied MEV-CAM countries and highlight the tools used to contribute to their impact at scale.