
South-south Cooperation
15 Mar 2021
15 March 2021, Rome – FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today participated in the chairpersonship handover ceremony of the G77 & China - Rome Chapter and praised the Group’s important contribution to FAO’s work and development.
Parliamentary alliances
12 Mar 2021
The importance of addressing youth issues in the Philippines The Philippines is an agricultural country with a land area of 30 million hectares, 47% of which is agricultural land. The Agriculture sector in the Philippines contributes about 20 percent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, in the past decades, the Agriculture sector encountered many challenges, particularly the ageing population of farmers in the country. The Department of Agriculture of the Philippines, in an Official Statement(1) has pointed out the declining interest in farming resulting to an aging labor force in the agriculture sector, which may lead to the deterioration of the...
Private Sector
12 Mar 2021
Investir en faveur des jeunes pour libérer le potentiel du secteur agricole en Afrique
10 mars 2021, Kigali/Rome - Au Rwanda, l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a signé un accord avec la société JR Farms Limited afin d'encourager les jeunes à travailler dans le secteur agricole et de créer des débouchés professionnels décents. JR Farms est une entreprise agricole rwandaise active au Rwanda, au Nigéria et en Zambie dans les domaines de la transformation et de la distribution des denrées alimentaires, du commerce des produits agricoles et des services de conseil. Ses objectifs sont les suivants: garantir la sécurité alimentaire, éliminer la faim en Afrique et créer des emplois décents pour...
Resource Partners
10 Mar 2021
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) QU Dongyu and Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue TD, attended a virtual ceremony today to celebrate the last six years of collaboration between FAO and Ireland.
Resource Partners
03 Mar 2021
On Thursday, 18 February 2021 the first of a series of five webinars called “Community Engagement Days” was successfully launched. Organized by the Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) team of the Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equity Division of FAO, in collaboration with the government of Belgium and thanks