
South-south Cooperation
03 Dec 2020
A high-level symposium tackles bottlenecks faced by farmers seeking access to financial systems
Recently, FAO, the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI) and the Improving Capacity Building in Rural Finance (CABFIN) jointly held the virtual symposium Development of Inclusive Rural Digital Finance Services: China’s Experience and International Organization’s Practices. More than 30 speakers from China, Uganda, Kenya and international organizations participated, focusing on three themes: policy support environment; financial regulatory measures; and innovative case studies. Digital financial services (DFS) have become a key driving factor for developing countries and emerging market to enhance financial inclusion. In rural areas, DFS reaches youth, women, and marginalised groups more widely and effectively, helping farmers to...
Resource Partners
02 Dec 2020
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, participated today for the first time at a session of the Development Committee of the European Parliament. The Director-General thanked the Development Committee for the invitation and for their commitment to fight hunger and poverty.
Resource Partners
02 Dec 2020
FAO and the Government of Israel have signed a new Agreement to support the newly launched Food Coalition, which aims to mobilize financial resources, innovation and technical expertise, promote advocacy initiatives and establish a neutral space for dialogue among diverse and key stakeholders in support of countries most in need. Since the historic formation of the Food Coalition, Israel has been actively participating and committed voluntary financial contributions. The Food Coalition supports innovative COVID-19 and post crisis initiatives, identified in the context of various synergistic lines of action (provided through action sheets). Not...
Resource Partners
01 Dec 2020
The FAO Brussels office met with His Excellency Mehmet Kemal Bozay, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the European Union and his team to discuss the extensive collaboration between the Republic of Turkey, the European Union and the FAO.
Private Sector
30 Nov 2020
Port Moresby/Rome - Dans le cadre de l'action menée pour aider les petits exploitants agricoles et créer des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires plus inclusives en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, la FAO, qui dirige la mise en œuvre du programme STREIT co financé par l'Union européenne, collabore avec le secteur privé local et, dans ce cadre, a conclu un partenariat avec Paradise Foods Ltd., la plus ancienne entreprise nationale de transformation de produits alimentaires du pays.Le nouveau protocole d'accord signé aujourd'hui vise à promouvoir la durabilité et l'inclusivité dans les filières de production du cacao, ainsi qu'à permettre aux petits agriculteurs de...