Alianzas parlamentarias


26 Jun 2020
The virtual dialogue on “Parliamentarians’ response to the impacts of COVID-19 on gender equality, food security and nutrition” organized by FAO, IISD and OXFAM with us Parliamentarians from the Africa, Europe and Latin America and Caribbean regions is very timely and of utmost importance. We rarely have the opportunity of exchanging knowledge and experiences regarding gender issues in agriculture and food security between regions and this dialogue becomes crucial in times when a coordinated and global action is needed to fight the COVID-19 that has threatened food security and nutrition, and the progresses achieved since the adoption of the MDGs and...
25 Jun 2020
Parliamentarians from around the world met on June 18 for the first in a series of virtual dialogues on parliamentary action for gender equality and resilient food systems in response to Covid-19. These dialogues, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and Oxfam, will offer parliamentarians a platform to share their experiences on various topics across...
06 Apr 2020
Brussels - Mr Paolo De Castro is a Member of the European Parliament, Member of the European Parliament’s Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development and Member of the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition. The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition brings together 28 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from different nationalities, political groups and parliamentary committees. Membership is open to all Members dedicated to achieving a world without hunger.
01 Apr 2020
Santiago de Chile – El Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre de América Latina y el Caribe difundió hoy una carta abierta llamando a no desatender la lucha contra el hambre y la malnutrición durante la pandemia de COVID-19. En el texto, los más de 500 parlamentarios y parlamentarias que forman parte de dicha red legislativa, que recibe apoyo de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación...
31 Mar 2020
Libreville – Les travaux de la 13ème Réunion de l'Equipe Multidisciplinaire du Bureau Sous-régional pour l'Afrique Centrale se sont achevés sur une note positive au terme de deux jours de concertation sur la thématique « Renforcer la résilience et la transformation des systèmes alimentaires face à la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses impacts sur la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle ».Cette rencontre sous-régionale entre la FAO et ses partenaires qui s’est tenue par visioconférence, a mobilisé plus de 150 participants, parmi lesquels six membres de Gouvernement et des Secrétaires Généraux des pays de la sous-région, des Représentants des Institutions...