Alianzas parlamentarias


22 Jun 2022
The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition invited an FAO delegation, headed by Chief Scientist Ismahane Elouafi to present the Organization’s recently adopted Strategy for Science and Innovation at the European Parliament. The Alliance, whose Secretariat is hosted by the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels, organized this event in collaboration with the EU40, the 
20 May 2022
El Senado de Bolivia renueva la composición del Frente Parlamentario de Lucha contra el Hambre y reactiva esta instancia del Legislativo que es fundamental para que el país avance hacia el logro de la soberanía alimentaria y la mejora de nutrición y alimentación en Bolivia. Su trabajo suma al de otros 20 países de América Latina y el Caribe, articulados para la consecución de la meta de erradicar el hambre y...
20 May 2022
En el marco de la primera reunión 2022 del capítulo nacional del Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre, desarrollada este lunes en la Cámara de Diputados de Chile, la parlamentaria Carolina Marzán, presidenta de dicho Frente en el país, presentó un proyecto de ley marco para la Promoción de la Seguridad y Soberanía Alimentaria y Nutricional. Se trata de una iniciativa que toma de referencia el trabajo del Frente Parlamentario contra el...
18 May 2022
Since its launch in 2019, the Decade has been promoting integrated actions supported by cross-sectoral policies that address the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development. This approach resulted in the approval of 3 Regional and 10 National Action Plans for family farming, while 186 relevant policies, laws and regulations were developed and endorsed around the world for the support of family farming. At the international level, the Decade has mobilized a range of stakeholders joining forces to work on concrete initiatives in support of family farming: to date, 52 countries are actively working in the implementation...
17 May 2022
The European Parliament Committee on Agriculture invited FAO Chief Economist Máximo Torero to speak on the impacts of the war in Ukraine on global food markets. Torero stated that the war in Ukraine was exacerbating the already alarming figures described in the recently launched 2022 edition of the Global Report on Food Crises.