Parliamentary alliances

Mexico approves historic legislation that guarantees the right to adequate and sustainable food

13/03/2024 - 

Mexico City, March 7, 2024.- FAO celebrates and applauds the approval of the first legislation in Mexico that regulates the human right to nutritious, sufficient and quality food, as recognized in Article 4 of the Mexican Constitution. After more than two decades of work, Mexico leads the way in protecting and promoting this fundamental right with the approval of its General Law of Adequate and Sustainable Food.

The new law has 111 articles, and its main objective is prioritizing the right to health, the environment, water, and the best interests of children in all policies related to adequate nutrition by the Mexican State. It establishes planning, coordination and competition mechanisms between the country’s authorities, federal entities, municipalities and territories to guarantee that the rights set out in the law can be fully exercised.

In addition, the law seeks to promote the production, supply, fair and equitable distribution, and consumption of nutritious, sufficient, quality, safe and culturally appropriate foods. The main objective of this approach is to promote the protection and realization of the right to adequate food, avoid food waste and strengthen Mexico’s self-sufficiency, sovereignty and food security.

The General Law on Adequate and Sustainable Food establishes the principles and bases for the promotion, protection, respect and guarantee in the effective exercise of the right to adequate food and the human rights with which it is interrelated. The legislation was unanimously approved with 420 votes in favour, 0 abstentions and 0 votes against. 

The right to food is inclusive and goes beyond simple caloric intake. It is the right to having and being able to access all the nutritional elements necessary to lead a healthy and active life. In line with the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-2031, the new legislation supports the 2030 Agenda by transforming agrifood systems towards efficiency, inclusion, resilience and sustainability, promoting better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind.

FAO support

In 2021, the President of the Senate, Ana Lilia Rivera, introduced the law as a fundamental part of the Parliamentary Front against Hunger’s agenda, a regional parliamentary network that represents more than 20 parliaments in Latin America and the Caribbean. This work has been done with the crucial support of FAO, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation and AMEXCID.

FAO’s Development Law Service provided valuable technical assistance in drafting the legislation. In September 2023, Mexico’s Senate approved the law, which is now moving towards enactment by the Chamber of Deputies.

FAO Mexico is committed to continuing collaborations in favour of healthy and sustainable nutrition in Mexico. FAO was involved in the process of creating the law and will continue to work to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition in all its forms, particularly by promoting nutritious foods and increasing access to healthy diets, reducing food loss and waste and promoting sustainable markets and trade.