Alliances parlementaires

FAO and partners convene a Second Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition

The Summit will be held at the National Congress building in Valparaíso, Chile on 15 and 16 June.

13/06/2023 - 

As the world faces armed conflicts, a climate crisis, an economic slowdown, and the depletion of natural resources, parliamentary action to tackle hunger and malnutrition is critical. Parliamentarians – with their powers to draft and adopt legislation, approve public budgets and monitor the implementation of public policies and government commitments – are well placed to ensure that food security and nutrition, the progressive realization of the right to adequate food, and the transformation of food systems are prioritized on national policy and legislative agendas.

To look at the way forward through parliamentary action, FAO, together with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), with the Congress and the Government of Chile, in close collaboration with the European Commission, the Parliamentary Front against Hunger of Latin America and the Caribbean and the Mexican Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AMEXCID), have organized a Second Global Parliamentary Summit Against Hunger and Malnutrition, to be held in Chile on 15 and 16 June 2023.

The Summit will bring together parliamentarians from all over the world to take stock, share experiences of implementing legislation on matters related to food and nutrition security, discuss needs and priorities to address the challenges associated with hunger and malnutrition, and build relationships between parliamentarian peers and parliaments. This meeting follows the success of the first Global Parliamentary Summit Against Hunger and Malnutrition held in 2018, when parliamentarians came together in Madrid and affirmed their political commitment to take action against hunger and malnutrition.

On the agenda at the Summit will be a negotiation on voluntary commitments to launch a Global Parliamentary Pact. The Pact would encourage parliaments to guarantee the human right to food, promote the transformation of agrifood systems and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developing a tool that draws on the SDG indicators for cooperation, reporting, and follow-up. The Pact would offer an opportunity to create a reference framework to help:

  • Identify and agree upon priority thematic areas to achieve food security and guarantee the right to adequate food
  • Highlight the potential of legislative action to help national and regional agendas aim at achieving the SDGs, transforming agrifood systems and progressively ensuring the right to adequate food
  • Better target priority technical areas in which countries require FAO's support as Technical Secretariat of the Pact to develop their proposals and achieve their objectives
  • Establish the Parliamentary Summit as a permanent forum for dialogue.

Colleagues are invited to follow the Summit via the livestream.

Full details on the Summit, including the Agenda, Concept Note, promotional video, related publications and details of the livestream, can be found on the dedicated Summit webpage.

For queries, contact: [email protected]