
Food and Nutrition Security: The Congolese Parliament launches an Alliance to fight against hunger and malnutrition

© FAO/Flore Mabika

12/04/2018 - 

Brazzaville – The Parliament of the Republic of Congo has launched with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and in the presence of national and international institutions, its Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. The official ceremony brought together almost all the members of the Congolese Parliamentary Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security (APCSAN) consisting of all deputies and senators.

For Isidore Mvouba, President of the National Assembly and active president of the Congolese Parliamentary Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security (APSCAN), this structure will advocate with government and development partners for the establishment and implementation of conducive food and nutrition policies. Solemnly declaring the launch of the APCSAN, Isidore Mvouba finished his remarks by stating that the support of FAO and other UN agencies is needed to allow this parliamentary alliance to fully play its role of policy control for achieving Zero Hunger.

In addition to its advocacy mission to improve key policies and promote multisectoral approaches to fight hunger and malnutrition, APCSAN set its objectives: (i) develop an appropriate legislative framework for food and nutrition security; (ii) ensure that the allocation of public funds to sectors related to food and nutrition security is a national priority; (iii) bring the government to develop and implement social and economic policies consistent with the objectives of the fight against food and nutrition insecurity; (iv) educate policymakers and populations on the urgency of the fight against hunger and malnutrition to ensure an harmonious and sustainable development; (v) mobilize resources to develop international cooperation on food security and nutrition.

Suze Percy Filippini, FAO Representative in the Republic of Congo, congratulated the Congolese parliament for this initiative and recalled that "in Congo, the issue of food security and nutrition remains a major concern. [...] There are 14.2% of households living in food insecurity and 66.7% of children aged 6 to 59 months having iron deficiency anemia with severe negative impact on the physical and cognitive development as well as on the long term economic development”. Ms. Filippini has reiterated the readiness of FAO and other UN agencies participating in the ceremony to support the Congolese Parliament in this process and to the eliminate hunger and malnutrition.

This follows the commitment made by the National Assembly on 30 October 2017, to legislate in a particular way on the right to food and the development of sustainable agriculture.