
The Network of Central African Parliamentary Alliances on Food and Nutrition Security puts into action recommendations from the Brazzaville Forum

11/02/2020 - 

Brazzaville, Republic of Congo - The Secretary-General of the newly-formed Network of Central African Parliamentary Alliances on Food and Nutrition Security (RAPAC-SAN) undertook a first mission to Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, supported by the National Assembly of Gabon, the FAO sub-regional office for Central Africa and the FAO office in the Congo. RAPAC-SAN was created during the Forum of Parliamentarians of Central Africa on Food and Nutrition Security, which was held in Brazzaville from November 19-21, and presided over by His Excellency Denis Sassou-N’Guesso, President of the Republic of the Congo.

Following the recommendations of the Brazzaville Forum, the Secretary-General of RAPAC-SAN, Honorable Yves Fernand Manfoumbi, visited Brazzaville from January 27 to February 3, meeting with the President of RAPAC-SAN, the Right Honorable Isidore Mvouba, to discuss how to move forward on two central action points that had emerged from the Forum:

1) Validation of the statutory texts of the creation of the Network of Parliamentarians of Central Africa

2) Validation of the RAPAC-SAN Action Plan

During this mission, the RAPAC-SAN Secretary-General also met with Ms. Suze Filippini, Acting Coordinator of the United Nations System and FAO Representative in Gabon, and reviewed the need for support from United Nations entities present in the Congo and in the sub-region to parliamentary alliances and networks of alliances in the fight against food insecurity and malnutrition. A preparatory working session for the audience with the President of RAPAC-SAN, held with the FAO team and key members of the National Assembly of Congo, examined proposals for lightening the normative framework and the RAPAC-SAN action plan. The amendments focused on the conference of presidents, the focal points, the auditors and the strengthening of the Brazzaville declaration.

During an audience with the Right Honorable Isidore Mvouba, President of the National Assembly of Congo and President of RAPAC-SAN, the Honorable Yves-Fernand Manfoumbi transmitted the proposals to finalize the statutory texts and the 2020 Action Plan of RAPAC-SAN, which will be carried out in collaboration with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and FAO.

During discussions on the guidelines and instructions of the President of RAPAC-SAN, it was agreed to maintain the statutes, internal regulations and Declaration of Brazzaville in accordance with the validation of the General Assembly on November 21, 2019 in Brazzaville.

The President also instructed the Secretary General of the Congolese Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (APCSAN) to make all necessary arrangements with the Congolese Government and the Presidency of the Republic for RAPAC-SAN to be hosted in accordance with the provisions of the headquarters agreement.

Regarding the proposed action plan, no objection was made to the proposal submitted for the approval of the President of RAPAC-SAN.

This action plan is structured along the following points:

•The establishment of parliamentary alliances in the ECCAS area;

•Capacity building for parliamentarians in food security and nutrition;

•Participation in sub-regional, regional and international meetings related to food security and nutrition;

•The installation of the RAPAC-SAN general secretariat and the signing of the RAPAC-SAN headquarters agreement;

During the first quarter of 2020, additional missions are planned to Sao Tome and Principe, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. These missions will support awareness raising for parliamentarians, establishment of parliamentary alliances, and drawing up of statutory texts in accordance with the Brazzaville declaration and the action plan validated by the President of the Network of the Parliamentary Alliance of Central Africa for Food and Nutrition Security (RAPAC-SAN).