Парламентские союзы


16 Sep 2016
Last week, the National Congress of Honduras unanimously approved the School Feeding Law, which ensures that all the children attending public schools in the country will have access to healthy, safe and nutritious food. It is the latest sign of the importance that countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are giving to school feeding as a key public and political tool in the fight against hunger and in the achievement of the right to food."Starting in early childhood, we can ensure that children in our region will have both access to healthy food and also awake minds" said Raul...
02 Sep 2016
Guadalupe Valdez, a prominent Dominican economist and former Congresswoman, has been named Special Ambassador for Zero Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, in recognition of her contributions to the fulfilment of the right to food throughout the region. The Zero Hunger Challenge is a global initiative launched by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and aims to eradicate hunger worldwide. "My pledge to fight to eradicate hunger and malnutrition is a non-negotiable ethical commitment, not only to my country but to all peoples of the world," Guadalupe...
25 Aug 2016
The Parliamentarians, who gathered together in San José, Costa Rica, are working to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals, and especially the Goal2 which aims at ending hunger and malnutrition by 2030. The first meeting of Mesoamerica's Parliamentary Fronts and Colombia will strengthen their cooperation, exchange experiences and define the priority areas of the legislative agendas of Mesoamerica and Colombia. During the meeting, the Parliamentary Fronts against Hunger of Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica,...
01 Aug 2016
FAO, the Pan-African Parliament and the Parliamentary Front against Hunger together for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa Johannesburg - The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) delivered a workshop with PAP Parliamentarians in South Africa, to advance the process of establishing the Pan African Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (PAPA-FSN) as they...
15 Jun 2016
On the 8th of June 2016, after years of work, the Congress of the Dominican Republic approved a law that creates a National System for Food Sovereignty and Food Security and Nutrition. Guadalupe Valdez, Coordinator of the Dominican Republic Parliamentary Front against Hunger - and main driver of this legislation - affirms: “Providing the people with a law that guarantees the Right to Food, further commits us to continuing the fight against hunger and malnutrition”.