Resource Mobilization

Implementing and Championing a Hunger and Malnutrition Free Timor-Leste

FAO support was requested to strengthen the institutions and mechanisms required to implement the National Action Plan (PAN-HAM-TIL) so that Timor-Leste can reach the Zero Hunger Challenge and capacity building was sought for the role of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries as Chair of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries Council for Food Security and Nutrition (CONSAN-CPLP).

What did the project do

The capacities of the government were improved by technical support and learning opportunities that increased the chances of success in implementing the PAN-HAM-TIL. As a result, the National Council for Food Security, Sovereignty and Nutrition (KONSSANTIL) conducted Zero Hunger Challenge campaigns at the national level and in the municipalities, conducted CONSAN-CPLP meetings and held the first international seminar on food security.


Through the implementation of the PAN-HAM-TIL, the Government of Timor-Leste moved closer to its commitment to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. The coordination, planning, policy, legislation and regulatory frameworks for the achievement of PAN-HAM-TIL goals were strengthened. The establishment of KONSSANTIL and CONSAN-CPLP, with the participation of development partners and other stakeholders, created a solid foundation to further synergy and collaboration. As Rofino Gusmao, a senior officer of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, said, "With my improved knowledge and skills from the capacity building I received from FAO, I have more confidence."


  • PAN-HAM-TIL activities integrated into the government planning and budgeting platforms.
  • Increased attendance of KONSSANTIL members at regular meetings and events.
  • Regular reporting, monitoring and evaluation conducted on the implementation of PAN-HAM-TIL.
  • Guidance was provided on the establishment of a coordination body for each CONSAN-CPLP member state.
  • Supported regular CONSAN-CPLP coordination and discussion on all levels.
  • Supported preparation of COSAN-CPLP action plans and budgets.
  • The CONSAN-CPLP Chair participated in the Second International Conference on Nutrition and visited Brazil to study the country's zero hunger initiative.
Project symbol: TCP/TIM/3503
Project title: Support to the implementation of the National Action Plan for a Hunger and Malnutrition Free Timor-Leste and championing of the Zero Hunger Challenge at the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries
Contact: FAO Office in Timor-Leste / Sumiter Broca (Lead Technical Officer)