Resource Mobilization

Developing Aquaculture for Improved Fish Supply in Mongolia

Improving the diet composition of the population of Mongolia for better nutrition and health is one of the priorities in the National Food Security Programme. Increasing domestic fish production is recognized as an important means of reaching this goal, through the development of aquaculture and the improvement of inland fisheries in the country. The project aimed to achieve this by setting up pilot aquaculture business operations, improving capacity, and establishing an enabling environment for the development of the aquaculture sector in the country.

What did the project do

Capacity for developing aquaculture production in Mongolia was greatly strengthened through the provision of a number of training activities and a study tour. Technical assistance was also provided for the establishment and operation of two pilot aquaculture farms. A government strategy supporting aquaculture development was drafted, as well as recommendations on policies and legislation. Interventions carried out during the project demonstrated that aquaculture operations could be successfully implemented in the country.


The project contributed to boosting fish production through the development of aquaculture. The increased supply of fish for consumption will improve the nutrition and health conditions of the population of Mongolia. The project also contributed to creating new livelihoods through the establishment of aquaculture and related business opportunities.


  • Legislative and regulatory documents related to fishery/aquaculture development in Mongolia compiled.
  • Draft of government strategy for developing aquaculture, and recommendations on policies and legislation developed and submitted to Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light industry.
  • Over 50 people trained in aquaculture farming technology/management and freshwater fish breeding technology suitable for Mongolian conditions.
  • Four technical members of staff trained in aquaculture technologies, farming systems, and cold-water fish breeding technology through a study tour in China.
  • Technical designs for aquaculture farms prepared, and indoor facilities established at two pilot farms.
  • Eight outdoor cement ponds constructed at farm site Khilem-Ost for rearing fish beyond winter.
  • 6 000 pieces of sturgeon fingerlings (5-6 cm) raised at Khilem-Ost.
  • Fish breeding laboratory established at Mongolian University of Life Science, for academic training and research purposes.
  • Two manuals produced on: i) small-scale farming of rainbow trout; and ii) aquaculture techniques of Siberian sturgeon in the net cage in freshwater; as well as a handbook on aquaculture farming. 
Project symbol: TCP/MON/3501
Project title: Developing aquaculture for improved fish supply in Mongolia
Contact: FAO Office in Mongolia / Weimin Miao (Lead Technical Officer)