Resource Mobilization

Enhancing Agricultural Development in Georgia

Agriculture has always been an important part of the economy of Georgia. However, until quite recently the agriculture sector has been neglected, and this has deepened chronic problems, leading to very low productivity and underutilization of resources. Since 2012, the Government has been taking steps towards promoting agricultural development, and alleviating rural poverty through the implementation of the Strategy for Agricultural Development in Georgia. One of the prerequisites to improving the competitiveness of the agriculture sector is to enhance policy-making and develop the capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and its agencies.

What did the project do

Notable achievements were made in creating an institutional framework to advance reforms and develop the capacities of MoA officers, and provide them with the appropriate tools to carry out their work. FAO supported MoA in several areas, such as empowering agricultural cooperatives in Georgia and reforming the extension service, as well as improving policies to increase the efficiency of agricultural production and marketing. Among other milestones, FAO supported the transformation of the National Wine Agency into an industry-led organization, to strengthen its position in both domestic and international markets. The project supported the development of a Market Information System for collecting information on agriculture products on a methodologically sound and regular basis, to be used for informed decision making; which is now successfully operating in all municipalities of Georgia. Support was provided to update the country’s Agricultural Census, giving policy-makers and stakeholders access to much higher quality and multifaceted information.


The project contributed to improving the competitiveness and efficiency of the agriculture sector in Georgia, enabling increased food production and reduced rural poverty. In addition, a proposal and investment plan was developed in the hazelnut sector, which will enable small scale farmers to increase their incomes by reducing wastage, enhancing quality, and improving marketing and production practices.


  • Strategy for Agriculture Development in Georgia 2015-2020 and Action Plan developed and approved.
  • Results Oriented Monitoring system created to track implementation of the Strategy for Agriculture Development in Georgia and Action Plan.
  • Creation of Agriculture Cooperatives Development Agency supported, including the provision of training and coaching.
  • Set of recommendations developed for the efficient application of universal support programmes for agriculture cooperatives, taking into consideration their size, competency and sectoral concentration.
  • Strategy for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation elaborated.
  • Key structural changes in MoA implemented, such as the creation of a Policy Unit and Policy Group. The development of the Policy Group was supported through training courses, workshops and study tours covering a wide range of topics.
  • Assistance provided for the overall implementation of the European Union Sector Policy Support Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia.
  • Legal background of aquaculture law assessed, and legal amendments proposed, in order to promote an aquaculture law regulating the sector.
  • Policy dialogue facilitated between Ministry of Agriculture and the European Union Delegation to Georgia, in order to mainstream some critical areas of work following the European model.
Project symbol: GCP/GEO/001/EC
Project title: European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development technical assistance – capacity development of the Ministry of Agriculture
Contact: FAO Office in Georgia [email protected] / (Lead Technical Officer)