Resource Mobilization

Supporting the Shift to Sustainable Food Systems

The global food system exerts a considerable impact on the environment. It drives deforestation and biodiversity loss, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and accounts for 70 percent of water withdrawals. With the global population on the rise and increasing competition for scarce natural resources, more sustainable food systems are key to improving food and nutrition security and reducing pollution from agri-food production and consumption. With support from the Government of Switzerland, and in collaboration with UNEP, this project aimed to support the development of a new Sustainable Food System Programme (SFSP) within the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP-SCP). 

What did the project do

By engaging governments, farmers, agro-industry, retailers and consumers, the project created a multi-stakeholder dialogue on the sustainable consumption and production of food and built partnerships for innovative new projects. An information platform for activities on sustainable consumption and production was created and new tools to assess the sustainability of food systems were identified. The project raised awareness and improved the communication strategy on the importance of sustainable food systems, advocating for the inclusion of a new programme on sustainable food systems within the 10YFP-SCP.


The project contributed to the shift to sustainable food consumption and production patterns by supporting activities that increase the sustainability of intensified agro-food production, reduce food waste and losses in the food production system and help find ways to achieve more sustainable diets. With the inclusion of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme in the 10YFP-SCP, the importance of sustainable food production and consumption has been raised among decision-makers, and stakeholders involved in the food supply chain, from producers to consumers, will access better quality food and benefit from improved livelihoods.


  • New sustainability assessment approaches and tools identified.
  • Development and inclusion of new Sustainable Food Systems Programme in the 10YFP-SCP.
  • Participation in sustainable consumption and production activities increased.
  • Website and information platform on sustainable consumption and production activities developed.
  • Enhanced awareness and advocacy of sustainable food systems. 
Project symbol: MTF/GLO/394/SWI
Project title: Support to work of the Interagency Working Group on Sustainable Consumption and Production
Contact: Sandro Dernini (Lead Technical Officer)